Jan 22, 2007 13:13
I’ve got an exam tomorrow.
Feeling somewhat stressed.
Anyway, not going to talk about the exam at all because it’s just going to stress me out even more if I write about it.
So I nearly got my boyfriend Jason, in trouble by his mum! I accidentally left my toothbrush over at his place and his mum saw it, when she came over to visit him. She asked howcome he had two toothbrushes, and he had to lie to her saying how the other one (mine) was an old toothbrush of his. He said he didn’t think his mum really bought the lie because she looked at him really weirdly and suspiciously LOL.
It’s great having a boyfriend who lives on his own. The fact that you can come over anytime. Can sleep over anytime. You have your privacy together, without anyone, especially parents and annoying siblings interfering.
And especially having Asian parents…god they interfere into your relationships. White parents are so much better in the sense that they give your privacy. Having Asian parents mean that as soon as you enter a relationship, you’re bound to be asked the, “when are you getting married?” question. I’ve been asked this question every single time by my mum with every single boyfriend. And I’m only freakin 22 years old!?
“if you were my boyfriend”
I find it strange that I met Jason. Strange because I’ve always had this feeling - ever since high school - that I would end up with a boyfriend named Jason. And it’s not because I’ve liked any guys named Jason before or anything. It was just a feeling that I would end up with a boyfriend named Jason. And the funny thing is that I’ve always had a feeling that he would be Asian.
And I’ve always wanted a boyfriend that could play piano. Jason plays the piano beautifully. He can just listen to a song and be able to play the song on piano.
I’ve always wanted a boyfriend who could sing. Jason sings awfully well. So well that he is known amongst his friends as the guy that can sing.
I’ve always wanted a boyfriend who is tall (about 180cms tall) and thin. Jason is tall (183cms) and thin.
I’ve always wondered what it would be like to have a Malaysian boyfriend - because all the Malaysian guy friends I have are great guys. Jason is Malaysian.
He’s protective of me which shows me that he really cares for me. He gets jealous when he needs to be which shows me he cares for me. For example, when guys were trying to chat me up at the club the other time, Jason would somewhat push them away. Not violently or anything, he would just somewhat interrupt into the conversation and make it known that the guy should try another girl to chat up.
I actually find it sweet when he does that. Maybe because the more jealous you get, the more it means that you care about that person.
He makes me feel so special. Whenever I suggest something he always says, “you’re so smart!”. He tells me, “you’re so special to me”; “you’re so fun”; “you’re so funny” (he loves my sense of humour).
He always compliments me. The other time at work, he came up to me and whispered into my ear, “you look really hot today”. I had the biggest grin on my face for the rest of the day.
He randomly emailed me one time and wrote, “dearest, I’m so happy to be with you”. Yet again, I couldn’t help but have this goofy smile on my face for the rest of the day.
We were sitting in the car together the other time and just merely chatting. He was sitting in the driver’s seat while I was in the passenger’s. He then turned to me and said, “I’m so glad I met you”.
He’ll just sometimes stare at me with this dazed look in his eyes. And then I get all embarrassed and I ask, “what are you doing?” and he replies with, “just staring at my beautiful girlfriend”. I then get even more embarrassed and blush like anything.
How lucky I feel to have him.