Long time no post

Jan 12, 2007 15:18

I haven’t updated here for long.

What’s been happening?

End of my relationship

  • Well my 14 month relationship saw the end of itself in December.  And it ended predominately because of one stupid bitch.  And she should hope that she never fucking bumps into the likes of me. 

My New Relationship

  • So I wanted to be single after this relationship.  Single life didn’t last long for me though.  I realised I had strong feelings for a particular friend of mine.  Well, we both realised.  And the irony is that we both wanted to be single even though we both liked each other - because we had both just gotten out of a relationship.  But we both realised that it absolutely didn’t work at all being single yet knowing we couldn’t deny the feelings for each other and therefore we started a relationship.

This is the first time I’ve dated a co-worker.  Everyone in the company seems to know him, because he was in the company’s graduate program.  No one really knows about us though.  Only about 5 people in the whole company know we’re boyfriend and girlfriend.  I plan to keep it that way because gossip travels fast.

Man in demand

And it doesn’t make it any better when he has five other girls who like him.  I refer to these chickadees who desire my man as “the birds”.  These five birds all hang around each other.  No doubt they’ve been bitching about me a lot.  I’ve never dated a guy who has so many admirers.  This is definitely new for me.  But I trust him.

But I must admit that it’s rather flattering knowing I have him when all these other girls tried to get him, but couldn’t LOL.  Don’t know what’s really special about me compared to them because I must admit that some of those girls are hotter than I am…honestly!

The ex that’s in denial.

Oh, and I forgot to add his mentally unstable ex who has threatened to quit her job and kill herself because of him.  Very bad.  But whatever happened to girl power?  And it’s pretty stupid that she’s using that threat against him.  People don’t get back with their exes just because they threaten to kill themselves.

Not only does she want to kill herself, but even after they broke up, she was still calling him her boyfriend.  DENIAL DENIAL DENIAL.  Seems a lot of people like living in denial rather than face up to the truth.  They’re comfortable in this false reality and live their lives being untrue to themselves and to life itself.

Hot and sweet

So my new man is quite the looker.  Actually…yeah he’s HOT!! And even the guys at work agree.  I’ve had quite a few guys come up to me and say that they think he’s good looking - though they don’t know he’s my boyfriend.  And y’know it’s a really good feeling when people say that your boyfriend is good looking hehe.  It makes you feel like you really have someone special!

I really find him sweet.  He said to me the other night, “I love hugging you because it makes me feel like I’m protecting you”.  He’s a really sharing guy…so thoughtful.  Whenever we eat together, he continually feeds me with whatever’s on his plate that I end up eating more of his meal than he himself does.  And he always leaves the last piece of anything for me.  I told my friend Maria that I’m going to end up a fat whale because of him since he’s continually feeding me so much LOL.

He said to me, “you’re amazing”.  I asked him why he thought this and he said, “you just are…you’re like my dream girl, you know?”  I started laughing because I certainly don’t deem myself as something as that.  But he makes me feel special.  Something that I didn’t feel in my last relationship.  And it’s not like he has to do major things to make me feel special.  It’s those little things.  Like how he would send me an email just writing, “Dearest, I’m so happy to be with you”.  See, it’s just those little things that really mean so much to me.

And like when we went to the beach together, he said he made me a sandwich so that I wouldn’t get hungry after work because he knows I get awfully hungry when I do finish work.  And how when we were eating lychees together, how he peeled every single one of them for me.  I felt so cared for.  It’s just those little things that make me feel so special J.

And how when he wrote me my Christmas card he started it with, “Dearest Linda…”He gave me this really whacky but very sentimental gift for Christmas.  He bought me this salad knife that was called “The Fresh Cut Salad Knife”.  I was really confused when I got it because I didn’t understand the significance of it.  Anyway, as he explained, it was in reference to the first meal we ever cooked together.  The recipe we cooked was from a cookbook named “Fresh” and we had cooked a salad - hence why he got me a knife that was called the FRESH cut SALAD knife.  I thought that was so creative of him!  Though it probably only costed him a few bucks…it’s one of the best Christmas presents I’ve ever received because there’s so much meaning and sentimental value to it.  He put so much thought into the present.  I honestly wouldn’t have been able to think of such a present and I’m usually pretty good with giving sentimental presents.

Curry guys …no more for me.

Had a major fight with a co-worker who I call Samosa.  Yeah he’s a curry hence the nickname.  Everyone thought Samosa had feelings for me.  Even I thought it at one point.  But anyway this major fight with him has made everyone in my department pretty much not wanting to talk to him anymore and we all don’t like him.  And everyone’s extra-friendly to me now LOL.  Anyway, I don’t really want to talk to him anymore…period.  He’s really, really put me off curry guys.  I’ve heard bad stories about curry guys but now I’ve had first hand experience with one and now whenever I see a curry guy I just think of Samosa and then I just get all pissed off.

My sister’s been with quite a few curry guys, and when she found out about this Samosa possibly liking me she said, “stay away from curry guys…they’re tight asses!” LOL

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