Jul 22, 2005 03:27
hokay so...im at dianas and its 3:27 a.m.
i just french braided chelseas hair...and it was amazing..
diana just did my hair and thats amazing too!
diana saved me from my hizzle today...we went to blockbuster and we got I <3 Huckabees and Donnie Darko...those are some confusing ass movies...too much thought..but Donnie was good...alot was just really random...if u kno what i mean..
jesse paris was here too!...it was goodtimes...
my teeth hurt..
we were watching some weird ass show that has these clay puppets killin each other...allen told us to do it..it was random...he found it quite hilarious..it was goodtimes...
now we are watching some random ass tv...and chillaxin like some gangsta beeches...u kno the dizzle..
i miss camronakon...she needs to get off house arrest soonizzle..
i like adding izzle to just about every word...its goodtimes..
i wanna buy new clothes...and chelsea wants to go thrifting on monday...that sounds like fun...i havent really done it, but i think its something that i would really enjoy...
she is going to the wave next thursday for 80's nite...and i cant go...cuz im too young...assholes...but that is about to change...in like a month!
chelseas birthday is this coming week...and its gunna be banging...parties like a mother...im debating whether partying...i dont wanna get fucked up and fuck up my face...which would really suck balls..but then again...it is her 18th and u only turn 18 once...im taking everything into consideration..but i think in the end im going to take the responsible route and not do nething im gunna regret later on in life...plus...if i did fuck up..my family would kill me....literally...
i mean damn...i fucking mowed the lawn today and those bitches wont even let me go putt putt...i mean really...that is some serious shit..they are afraid im going to break my face...i mean i should be tooo...but to me it doesnt really seem like THAT big of a deal...maybe its me...i dunno..
newho...im going to go have sex with my beeches now...u kno u wanna join...but too bad..im one lucky mofo...
<3 ya nuccas...GOOO!
p.s. i hate it when my nose feels like it needs to be itched but when i go and try to itch it i cant feel it cuz my nose is numb...but since it is numb...does it really feel itchy or is it my imagination...its something to ponder...
BTW...chelsea sux at life cuz she has never played scrabble..<----did i spell that right..and cameron is being a butthole and pestering us!!! what an asshole!!! JK...love ya fucker..
BTWW...ive never played CLUE...so kill me...