(no subject)

Apr 23, 2005 18:53

I could have gone 2 prom... But I didn't want 2 go with that person. Or the other 1. Why didn't I tell any1 b4???? B-cuz I didn't want 2 hear, "Oh my God, u should go with him anywayz. Even if u don't like him." No, I haven't been in the mood 4 that. So I'm staying at home while all of the seniors r going 2 their last prom.

Despite all of this, I'm still happy. Damn. That's scary. lol.


What is your name? Amber
How old are you? 15
What is your Zodiac sign? Aquarius

Are you wearing socks? no
How many fingers are you using to type, RIGHT NOW? 2 confusing
Do you like Cool Whip? yes
Are you on the computer? duh
Do you like pointy things? ?
Do you think you are special? no
Did you finish your homework? psh, hell no
Is your hair up or down? half up
Do you like Nirvana? sure
Are you a pyromaniac? ?
Do you have a parakeet? a cockatiel
Do you like to eat fish? only my grandpa's
How you ever tried calamari? no
What is your bedtime? none
Do you like math class? no!
Do you like to use the phone? duh!!!!
Are you eating anything, right now? If so, what? no
Do you like what you are eating? .....
Do most people like what you are eating? ....
On a scale of 1 to 10, how much do you like what you are eating? damn, shut up
If you aren't eating anything, is this annoying to you? yes!
If so, why is it annoying you? ugh!
Can I tell you a secret? no
What are you thinking, right now? that whoever made this survey had 2 much time on their hands
Can you guess what I'm thinking? no, i don't think i want 2
Do you like spaghetti? i guess
If so, with or without meatballs? matters
Are you bored? yes
Do you understand the game of football? yes
If so, why is it that you only get points when you score a touchdown? u can get a field goal 2
I don't get it. Do you? shut up
I'm eating pizza. Do you like pizza? ya
Do you like the tv show CSI? never watched it
If not, why? ^
Am I special? yes
If not, why?
Do you even know me? no
If not, then how would you know? b-cuz ur very annoying
Is it because of this survey? yes
What is your favorite band? simple plan
What is your favorite song played by that band? Welcome To My Life
Do you have to go to the bathroom? no
If so, why? ur gay
If you do have to go to the bathroom, why don't you just go? shut up
Have you ever had a cavity in your teeth? no
Do you brush your teeth twice a day? more
Do you floss? yes
Have you ever broken a bone? no
If so, how did you break it? didn't
Did it hurt? ^
Did everyone do stuff for you? my God...
Do you think dragons are real? no
Do you like dragons? no
If not, why? b--cuz my brother annoyed me with them
Do you like to Instant Message? yes
Have you ever heard of Neopets? yes
If you have, have you tried it? no
If you've tried it, did you like it?
Are you listening to any music right now? yes
If so, what? Almost- Bowling For Soup
Do you like that song? Duh, that's why i made my brother send it 2 me
Do you have an MP3 player? i wish
How about a CD player? yes
A cassette player? no
Are cassette players 'The Bomb?' no
Are you Irish? no
Do you wear green on St. Patrick's Day? yes
Have you ever gotten pinched for not wearing green? no
Do you like the color green? no
Do you like to dance? haha... it matters ;^)
What do you like to dance to? i dunno
Have you ever been in Girl Scouts/Boy Scouts? unfortunately
Did/do you like it? no
Do you like cauliflower? no
Do you know why it is called cauliflower? no
Do you like stuffed animals? yes!!!!!!!!!
Can you read? duh
If not, how can you do this survey? ur dumb
Do you think that was a stupid question? definitely
Is this survey TOO random? yes
If so, why? cuz ur dumb
Do you like mashed potatoes? yes
Do you like regular potatoes? no
Do you prefer one over the other? yes
Do you go to Starbucks often? never
What is your favorite drink/treat there? ^
Is anything/anoyone bother you right now? yes
What/who? u

This or That
Paper or plastic? plastic (haha... the people in band know why this is funny)
Project or test? test
Giraffe or elephant? hmm....
Hug or kiss? both
Special or not special? ugh
Cool or Whip? cool
This survey or smelling dog poop? this survey!
Corn or Korn? .....
Smart or popular? both
Evil and fun or Good and boring?
Something stupid and funny or something smart and boring? stupid and funny
Annoy your parents or annoy your enemy? both
Catfish or goldfish? goldfish
Cell phone or laptop? i wish i had a cell phone
Yahoo or AIM? AIM
Rock or pop?matters
Italy or France? dunno
Milk or shake?
Gasoline or blow torch? wtf kind of question is that?
Smile or laugh? smile
Eat or drink? drink
Sushi or squid? ew
Taste or smell? taste
Squishy or pointy? ?
Flammable or pointy? ?
Dangerous or boring? hmmm....
A or B? both- AB.... lol
Hiking or swimming? matters
Flying or invisibility? flying
Shake or spear? ?
Cartoons or real life? real life
Draw or write? write
Jump or run? run
Donut or taco? donut
Potatoes or potatos? potatoes
Yo! or Oy! ? Yo!
Dogs or hot dogs? dogs
Reality or Dream world? reality that seems like dream world

Friends & Family
How many siblings do you have? 1
How many cousins do you have? like, more than i can count.... more than 20
How many aunts? 2 lazy 2 count
Uncles? saa
Who do you live with? my parents...
Who is your craziest friend? Tammy
Weirdest? John
Most positive? Rebekah
Smells best? dunno
Most negative? me
Smells worst? dunno
Laughs the most? Gregory. He's lucky. He alwayz has something 2 laugh about.
Has the biggest smile? Tammy
Known the longest? Joyce. That's why none of u know her
Newest? i dunno
Oldest? Tammy. lol
Youngest? Princess
Ditziest? me
Girliest? Jazz
Strongest personality? hmmm.... Justin

Music playing: I'm With You- Avril. It's making me cry
Last person hugged: Justin ;^)
Last person kissed: ehhh.... Shut up!
Last person talked to: Kimariah
Clothes: sweat pants and a tank top cuz i'm getting ready 2 go run
Color of your underwear: shut up
Have you farted in the past 10 minutes? that's a gay question
Where are you? in my bro's room
What are you doing? typing
What do you smell like? Curious
Are you happy? yes
Sad? no
Angry? no
What's up? the ceiling
Nothin'? i didn't say that
Are you chatting with someone? no, I'm ignoring them
Are they happy? i dunno
Do you like them?
If it's the opposite sex, do you have a crush on them?
Do they have a crush on you?
Are you sure?
Is your refrigerator running? ur a dumbass
If so, go catch it. fu
If not, you better turn it on. shut up
What would you do if I all of a sudden yelled? uh, i can't hear u?
Would you run? no
Would you scream? no
Would you cry?no
Would you say, "YAY! Fire!," and go play with it? no
What time is it? 12:27
Is time passing by fast or slow? fast

Do you like this survey? no
Am I annoying? ya
Would you take another one of my surveys? prob not
Do you think I should go to a mental hospital for something like this? definitely
Am I funny? sometimes
Am I weird (in a good or bad way)? bad way
How long did it take you to do this survey? i dunno
Pretty long? no
Did I waste your time? probably
If so, are you mad at me? yes
Are you having a good day? yes
If not, have a good day tomorrow. fu

your name - Amber
your age - 15
have you ever actually talked the him/her - duh
or do you just admire them from afar - no way
would you ever ask him/her out - i don't ask guys out
have you been to any school dances together - i've seen him at 1....
what do you/would you like to do together - haha......
do you love him/her - most definitely....
if no, could you see yourself falling in love with him/her - i already have
what first attracted you to him/her - I dunno, it happened so fast.
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