Apr 11, 2005 14:56
2day was ok I guess.
Went 2 my science teacher that I had last semester 2 get the paper signed. She gave me a pass 4 10 minutes after 3rd started, so I was like, hmmmm....ok.... lol. So I got 2 walk in2 3rd a little late (2morrow.... can't say). Talked 2 my Baby 4 a little while.
Justin is getting in2 his old habit where he grabs my side or my stomach 2 make me scream. Why do guys alwayz seem 2 love making me scream???
Band is alwayz so funny. Melissa and I have so much fun. Sharing a room at states is gonna be awesome. lol. I can't wait.
Not 2 much 2 say... Gonna go clean the house and probably call Chris 2 have him come over sometime this week. Tomorrow(?).
1 more week 'til states!!!!!!!!!! ;^)