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Dec 23, 2004 07:17

so i've done my good deed i would say to last me a couple days. i not only helped my mom get unstuck at 6:15 in the mornin. but i also helped my other neighbor for about 15 min. he gave me $10 cuz he didnt get ne where n it was early. then i came inside. my neighbor dave went n did the guys driveway. then went n did his ex's. then did the street. i then went out n helped another guy get unstuck. 3 fuckin times. the same damn road. his car was leakin antifreeze so hes not to happy bout that one. but then dave did my driveway. then i pulled out my car n he did where i park. there is mud everywhere from wen i was tryin to back up. but my driveway is cleared for the most part. so now me n mom should have no problem gettin in or out again. i gave dave $5 for gas to put bak in his lil snow plow thingy. afta a bit im gona get the snowblower out n do the driveway so we get the otha prolly 4 inches off n do the sidewalks mayb. deff wana make an igloo today w/my bro. i think it'll b fun. we've been gettin along pretty good the past couple days. i hope this lasts alot longer. i like not fightin w/him. we've stayed up n watched jackass together the past 2nites. i must say the shit they do on that movie is so fuckin dumb but i cant help but laugh my ass off. still havn't gone shoppin for jasons gift. tuesday i went to skewl. took mrs. gerbic n ms. andrews sum chocolates my mom made. mrs gerbic got me a pair of nice scissors n a case for em n a $15 gift certificate for old navy. shes so nice. she made our class brownies n brought in punch. 2nd period i made up my physics test. n we watched a movie. 3rd period we planned out our dinner project n i turned in my late one. 4th period i had some more punch n i worked on my quilt. english we jus ate chocolate she brought us in. it was very yummy. this girl in my class stephanie is real quiet. shes kinda like a stoner i guess u would say. or so its the way she dresses. but shes nice cuz i've talked to her before. she came in lookin real sad n talked to my teacher. i guess her mom was havin real bad back pain. i duno if she had surgery or sumthin. but ne ways. she was takin some real strong pain reliever. i forget wut it was called. i think morphine. but she took to much n she puked while she was sleepin n choked on it n died. stephanie found her. i cant imagine what that poor girl is going through. not only would it be hard for your mom to die wen ur this young. but finding her would make it so much worse. then the fact that its the week of christmas. my heart goes out to her.i feel horrible. only did extra credit in math. wen i come bak i hafta make up 2 tests. yay! sike. then 8th i took a test n barely knew ne of it. o well. ill still have a good grade in there. i have over 100%. yesterday i got up n cleaned n did laundry. then had swim team at 3. thought it was bs cuz the roads were so bad. but went ne ways. then worked from 5-10. had fun. worked w/hiram, colleen, scott n wayne. i worked register so i had fun w/that. got sour cream on my pants n i tried to get it off but it jus rubbed into my pants more. makin it look like someone creamed on my pants. ugh! then i was cleanin a bench n i slid on my knees so they got dirty n it jus looked real bad. hiram n scott were laughin. perverts. we had so much fun tho. the drive home was scary. i couldnt go more than 10 mph down the sidestreet by my house. i was slidin everywhere. last nite about 5 cars that i saw/heard got stuck at the stop sign by my house. i cant even tell you how many have gotten stuck today. my feet are still cold from bein outside for about an hr n a half. brr. made the biggest thing of hot chocolate. its so yummy. talked to jason last nite. hes suppose to come home but i really duno when hes going to cuz the roads are so bad n hes out in berea. i really miss him. i havn't seen him much these past two weeks. makes me sad. im suppose to see him today but who knows with this weather. im not even sure if they have the main roads cleared. wow this really sucks. i hate not being able to leave the house. but im tired n the internets not workin to well so im done for now. lata
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