Nov 16, 2008 17:27
During my nap, which lasted about an hour if I remember correctly, I went from frolicking on the beach with pretty Japanese boys, right into my worst nightmare. Literally. And it felt so real. I actually woke up because I couldn't breath. In my dream I had begun to hyperventilate to the point that i was barely breathing. maybe that actually happened, which freaks me out that much more. Anyway, onto the dream.
I came home from my afternoon at the beach and sat down at my computer. I was surfing around on the web when all of a sudden a download request came from someone I hadn't talked to in years. So I was like, "yeah, eff that virus." But as I went to close the window, the download started on its own. And when I clicked the X, the window wouldn't close. The download finished and immediately, a window opened on the screen, and I forget what was on it, but it scared the crap out of me. So I tried to call Shermin, but when I put the phone to my ear, this really creepy voice said, "Tsk Tsk what a bad girl. You should get an Apple phone." And I hung up quick and started freaking out. I looked back at my computer screen and there was a list of everything on my computer and things were being checked off as they either became Apple-ified or destroyed.
I tried to go out and talk to my mom about it, but she wouldn't listen to a word I was saying because she was still mad at me (which she is), so I ran back into my room to try to run my anti-virus software to see if it would help. It was no where to be found, but I don't know how I knew that because when I got to y computer, the creepy voice was coming out of my speakers, telling me what a bad girl I was for not having my files more organized. And my screen was covered in viruses. Like, I don't know if you can actually turn a virus into a visual, but these ones were disgusting looking. I can't even really remember exactly what they looked like, but I remember becoming even more freaked out.
So then I settled for writing down as much of my information as I could. My mom came in and started yelling at me for being so loud, and I tried to explain how my life was being destroyed. my medical files, financial information, job stuff, everything was being destroyed and I couldn't stop it. And then, as I was frantically scribbling nonsense onto a notepad, I woke up.
Now, I have a good guess as to what this all means, and no it's not that I think Apple is the devil. I like Apple well enough. Their stuff is very sleek-looking. I guess it was just made the bad guy because I don't actually have a mac. I dunno. but it's true. I really do have a fear of how dependent this world is becoming on technology, myself included. I have a very love-hate relationship with technology.
But I really think what my sub conscience was trying to tell me is that I feel my life is very out of my control right now. I'm completely helpless on my own because I have no money and no transportation. I have no control over my life right now, and I really hate that. I've always hated being dependent on others, and right now, I'm at the complete mercy of the people around me. None of whom can really help me (or in my mom's case, won't help me). Hmm... I think I'm kind of depressed...... :(
real life