
Feb 16, 2005 21:47

since half the school year has gone by, i wanted to just re-cap whats been goin on the past six months. [ probably, actually def not in order cause i cant remember ]

.last homecoming in high school
.went to jail[for a trip]
.shoveled snow for the 1st time in 17 years
.took the sats, again
.started senior year
.experienced heart break
.died my hair for the 1st time
.applied for a job
.died my hair red
.lost touch with my favoritest 2nd mom
.started driving
.got a car
.got a job
.got my friends back
.but lost a few too
.realized how people can change over time
.got druuuuunk
.new cell phone
.moved on and let go
.got a lot closer to nicole
.drove her mustang
.got into colleges
.learned/learning how to play guitar
.gave a guy my phone number
.met the sweetest boy ever
.experienced/experiencing a [semi]long distance relationship
.got the flu
.realized theres nice guys out there
.learned to trust again
.got to nap with my boyyy

i looove you=)
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