Jun 05, 2008 13:58
Hey guys and gals!
Jeez, has it really been since Thanksgiving? yeah, I can believe that.
So, Thing's I've done so far this summer-- and I apologize for the bad grammar and runon sentences:
Moved back in with parents on Sunday(may 4th), got a call on Monday from family friend "Hey come work for me! It'll only be for a couple of weeks, just till the end of the month! Come to work tomorrow!" So I did. And found out that I really don't ever want to work with a trucking company. I hate phones now. And staples. My job was to two-fold: I had to answer the phone and tell whoever that our dispatchers were busy and on another phonecall- which they inevitably were- and to put them on hold or get a message; and I had to open the truck driver's paperwork and sort out all the different trips, and then take all of the staples out. Yes my job was glorified staple remover. And paper scanner after I took the staples out. and then I had to get the old paperwork and look it up on the software system to see if the trip had been billed to the customer yet. Ugh. Boring. But it was earning me spending money for Ireland-- or so I thought.
I talked to my grandparents about the no-interest loan they had said they would give me. And I told them about how much I would need to start me off this semester- 4K-- because I have absolutely no savings, now. So they said they could do that, but not the loan and Ireland. So I told them I would rather have school. :( so no Ireland this summer. But now I'll have more money to start off the schoolyear with.
And I spent some of it to go buy hay bales-- yes, I said haybales. I set up my archery range again! YAY! It's a lot of fun! But, man my arm is not up to the amount of arrows that I used to shoot. I used to shoot about a dozen sets of 9 arrows at a time. Yes, that's over one hundred arrows. but I have a bunch of holes in my feathers because I kept shooting so close together-- this was a couple of years ago, mind you. So now I've been shooting sets of 6 arrows. And my arm can only hold up for about 6-8 sets. and then the aiming kindof goes a little out of whack.
Went to the Renaissance festival. got some handblown glass, and some pretty fans.
Reading: OMG! I actually have time to read! so I have. What more can I say?
Walking: Been doing walks around the neighborhood. 2 laps around makes about 3miles, and that's what I've been doing. I try to go in the evenings, but I may have to wait till it gets dark or go in the mornin. It's starting to feel like summertime.
Dad got a wireless router, so we set that up and I now have internet in my room! :D Which means I may actually check email and fbook more regularly.
Right... like anyone believes that.
Elizabeth said she wanted to make a small bookcase, so she may come down to do that sometime. And Dad and I have to make Matt one because I'll be taking his old one-- it matches mine.
Still haven't ordered any leather for moccassins or boots.
Still haven't started painting. or doing jewelry with mom. or gone to grandparents house.
Have started taking care of the lawn and started deep cleaning the house.
Did buy new bamboo themed showercurtain, rug, and towels. my bathroom looks better now. and I can take it with me when I get an apartment!
Yeah, that's about all I've done so far this summer.
Maybe I'll update again sometime soon. but don't hold your breath. You might turn blue.