Holy Avatar Goodness!

Jul 20, 2008 02:11

Hoh my lands! The finale! It aired! It was awesome! I almost died! I ate pizza! And popcorn! And spazzed! And squealed! And I-

*deep breath* Okay. I watched the Avatar finale. Duh, right? Well, it was beyond awesome. Everything I wanted to happen, happened!

Except for the solid Tokka, but that's canon to me, so who cares? XD

But, holy crap, I was pumped. Seriously. I was so excited I was shakey. XD And I ate two- TWO!- bags of popcorn. Because I had to shove something down my throat with all the epicness going on.

The first episode had humor, which was great. And then it had Aang actually raising his voice to Katara, which was also, strangely, great. And, and... I can't remember what episode had what. But Ozai was seriously whack-o and power-hungry, and poor, poor Azula was starting to really lose it.

Which is sad, because I like her, even though she's crazy.

Anyways, Aang having a conversation with his past lives was awesome (though Roku could have been a tad longer). And the gaang turning to Zuko when they couldn't find Aang like, "Dude, you are an expert at tracking him", was lulz.

Jun came back! Only for a bit, but still. ^^ And her Shirshu is a girl? What the- I thought it was a guy! Can't guess those weird animal genders, I guess. And....

OMG! The White Lotus Society is revealed! And Pakku is in it! And Bumi, and Piandoa, and Jeong Jeong! Yay! And Pakku married Gran-Gran, which is awesome because I ship the geezers. Sokka's Gramp-Gramp made me giggle. AND UNCLE! HOH DEAR LORD, THANK YOU FOR THE UNCLE!

The Zuko/Uncle reunion made me cry! Zuko was all tearful, and Uncle just grabbed him and hugged him, and I went, "blubber blubber, oh, I'm so touched!" And Uncle's orignal voice actor died, so he wasn't there, and I cried 'cause of that, too. *doesn't care that she is a dork* Um...Umm....

The Zuko/Azula duel! That music! Wow! It made me sad. And the fight was so epic, and it made my heart hurt. XD But before, when Azula was alone, and saw her mother in the mirror, and heard her talk, and and...I cried there, too! But it was so depressing. But when she tried to lightning bend Katara, and Zuko jumped in the way...! Nail biting horror! But Katara eventually trapped her, and then she healed Zuko, and then poor crazy Azula blew lightning out of her mouth (like someone mentioned on the Kataang chat) like a caged dragon, and it was sad. T.T

Oh, oh, and the Toph/Sokka/Suki moments! They teamed up and rocked! Toph wiped out an entire room by herself, and Sokka took control of the ship via a 'birthday' party. What the heck? It was so oddly fitting. And when Suki got seperated, the Tokka shipper in me went, "YAY!". He did hold her hand when it wasn't really necessary. And when he shielded her with his body? That is Tokka love right there! When they fell, and Sokka broke his leg and had to hold onto Toph because she was dangling below them? O.O cardiac arrest! He whipped out his boomerang and took out some Fire Nation, and the threw his awesome sword and lost it, so he could save them... But then Tiph slipped, and he was barely holding on with his fingertips, and more Fire Nation jerks soldiers appeared, and he said, "I don't think boomerang in coming back, Toph. This is it", I cried some more! Toph cried, and Sokka cried, and my mom and I were crying... It was such a popcorn moment! But then Suki saved them (she IS useful after all) and it was so relieving...

I totally ship Tokka even harder, and if Suki had died, I only would have cared a little. ^^;

The Aang/Ozia fight! It was death. No, I mean it. It made me so nervous, I was shaking. I thought Aang was going to die, and it made me so horribly nervous! Ozia was just... hardcore evil. And Aang really didn't want to kill him, but fought like a whirlwind. When he Avatarstaed it, though my face was like, "O.O/:D". He pwned all life in the that state! And he was so going to wipe Ozai out, and Ozai was actually scared, but then Aang came back to himself, and turned away. Ozai, the jerk that he is, went to strike him, but Aang Toph-visioned and spun around and trapped him, and then he grabbed his head and energy-bended him! He took all his power away, and at that point in time, I REALLY thought Aang was going to die. I though he was going to sacrifice himself, and I was eating popcorn by the handful. XD But he pulled it off, and Ozai fell back, defeated and alive, and then Aang mastered the Avatar State and put out the fire, and and and-

OH! The shipping! Oh, the creators sure did milk it! They threw in tons of Zutara chances, and like, no Kataang!

I must ship rant for a moment. Not really rant, just...discuss. So, I watched each Zuko/Katara encounter with unveiled eyes. I tried really hard not to let shipping effect me. I wanted to see it for what it was. And I did see Zutara- I saw Zutara friendship. I didn't see Zuko go all googly-eyes for her, or Katara swoon over him. I saw a mutaul trust and a bond form. I won't lie- I did think Zutara was a possibility once or twice. I really did. But when Katara and he were on Appa going to face Azula and they were talking about Aang, and Katara said that Aang would come, that he had to, she got the look. It was in her eyes. You could see it. Yes, I'm a Kataanger, so I was looking, but it was there. But, it was in the eyes, man!

Anyhoo, at the end, when everyone had regrouped and Zuko was getting ready to be crowned Fire Lord, Mai came back! Yay! And guess what? Zuko went all googly-eyed! Double yay! And Zuko was all, "So, does this mean you don't hate me?" And Mai was like, "I think it means I like you", (which is a confession of love, coming from her) and then she adds, "But don't break up with me ever again!" and I fangirled so hard. And the kissed. Not the Maikout I wanted, but close enough! And then Zuko and Aang have some hugging love, and then they go to Uncle's awesome tea shop, and everyone's there... Aang, Katara, Sokka, Toph, Zuko, Mai, Suki, Ty Lee (who is now a Kyioshi Warrior. Haha!) Uncle... and Sokka tries to draw, but failz...it's such an awesome, sweet ending!

But wait! There's more!

Aang goes outside, right? He's standing there, all alone, in his new monk robes that make him look like such a little man, with his Gyatso necklace (which made me so happy) and just looks out over the reclaimed Earth Kingdom. Then Katara comes out, right? The fangirl in me is beginning to glee. Maiko is canon, so.... Well, she stands beside him, and they just remain silent. Then they hug. Aww. Cute! But where the heck is my Kataang kiss?! The camera zooms in, they face each other and...

Katara initates it! She totally just takes control and moves forward and shows the world that she's no longer confused and she loves Aang! And says, "Aang is mah man, not Zuzu. Sorry."

*Kataang squeal*

Holy cow, that finale almost killed me. It was just... so awesome. I can't wait for the boxset to come out so I can own them and watch it over and over again. ^^

You think I'd be a little bummed, but I'm just so pumped! And they left a couple of things open (like, Zuko's momma and Uncle's trip to the Spirit World, and, and...other things I can't think of) that I'm kinda looking for more Avatar stuff. I know there is supposed to be more, and... just yay. Just yay.

Wow, I am such an Avatard. XD The finale just makes me wanna produce some fics! ...I need to ink bend! ....Come on, it was funny!

..It's three a.m. I have got to go to sleep. I've been chatting Avatar for much too long! Next post will be about something else. Promise. ^^

katanng, avatar, finale

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