Oct 22, 2004 00:53
Today was my interview with Mark Wubbena at Mudd Group (Muddville Productions). It was my first interview ever, really. The only one I had in the past was when I was still in high school and had little informal interviews with people in different departments at the administration building for the Waterloo Community School District. Yeah, I know... who cares! My point here is that I don't really know how an interview normally goes, so I have nothing to compare this one to.
I suppose I should just start at the beginning. I got a phone call Tuesday from Wendy (the person in charge of hiring at Mudd Group). She said that a web design position has opened up and in reviewing my resume, she thought maybe I would be interested. So I think to myself Heck yeah I'm interested!!. We talked a little bit more and set up an interview for Thursday at 2:00.
Wednesday I spend the whole day freaking out and being a total stress case. I had this big interview the next day and could not for the life of me find my disc that has all of my webpage stuff on it. I had to burn all of my school stuff (web stuff included) to a DVD when I began putting the RCPM concert on my computer months ago. I completely tore my room apart in trying to find the freaking disc, but to no avail. The reason I needed said disc is because I had no web stuff in my portfolio. What I ended up doing (after the suggestion of D Papa) is printing out a few pages of the one site that is online (thanks to my web class, it is on the hawkeye server!) and putting them in my portfolio. So after that, I headed over to Mike's house for a couple hours to try and chill a bit. Then back home to finish up laundry and get to bed.
Thursday morning I wake up around 10 (pushed the ol snooze for an hour) and begin getting ready for the day. I decided to start off with getting my outfit together. Then I decided to get me some breakfast (scrambled eggs in ketsup to be exact) so as not to have my interview on an empty stomach and have akward (how the heck do you spell that word?!) tummy rumblings. Blah blah blah, I'm all ready to go and it is 1:25, so I leave. I go put $5 gas in my tank to make sure I got there (low fuel light was on). Then I begin my journey to 6915 Chancellor Drive. Due to road construction and street closings, I ended up driving around the area for ten minutes and not getting to mudd group so I called Dad and he gave me different directions. That got me there with ten minutes to spare! Yay! So I go in and let the people know I'm there and Mark came out and then began the interview process.
The interview went a lot different than I had thoguht it would. I had imagined me being in a chair in front of some bigwigs desk, them asking me a bunch of thought-provoking questions and being all intimidating and suchlike. Well, Mark was extremely easy to talk to and very friendly so that took away a lot of the nervousness, which was good. It made it easy for me to make comments and ask questions. Nearly the whole hour I was there, we were at his desk and he was showing me various websites that have examples of the variety of different components used in websites.
To begin the interview, we looked over my portfolio. He told me that my print work is very strong. I thought it was awesome that he liked my portfolio so much and that was definitely very encouraging to hear... a lot more encouraging than the portfolio review day, that is for sure!! So that was definitely a good way to start off!
After the portfolio is when we got in to looking at all of the different websites and such. He told me what I would be expected to do given the job and explained a lot of different things that were on the different sites. He explained the process of how the sites are sold to businesses and such... that was interesting! I thought it was pretty cool how they often use certain components of websites a client may like and just adapt it to that particular clients needs (if that makes sense). I dunno, it was just a really informative time. I mentioned that I was working on teaching myself Flash and he recommended a book (Flash MX H.O.T. Hands On Training) that he used to teach himself Flash. He said there was no way he would be able to do what he does without that book. So- I will be getting that book within the next few days and starting the different tutorials and such in it. It will definitely be beneficial.
I suppose that is about it. In short, I feel the interview went really well. He told me he will be in touch with me early next week. It would totally rule if I got this job... it would be so perfect! I know it would most definitely be a dream come true for me... being a web designer as a profession! How awesome would that be?!
Anyway, it is time for me to head to bed now. I am a very tired chica.
P.S. Sunday is Mike and my 1 year Anniversary... yay! We will do a little celebrating on Sunday, but will do the bulk of the celebrating on Monday (Mike's pay day). How exciting... I am thoroughly looking forward to it!!