I missed my favorite meal.

Nov 25, 2007 12:56

What have I missed?  Everything.  I missed Thanksgiving dinner.  I've missed the last 4days.  Until today it has been the first day since wednesday that I wasnt completely incapcitated to the fullest extent.  It isnt fair that I was sick just last month with that horrible upper respiratory infection that wouldnt quite.  Heck that was a walk in the park.  I could at least still do everything.  Nope wednesday I slightly mentioned a sore throat when I popped on here for a quick sec.    After that it all hit my like a ton of bricks.  I was SICK!  Complete with nausea and vomitting.  And sore throat.  But also the inability to get warm with sweats, a fuzzy robe, and 3 freaking blankets.  My whole body was in pain where, well it was just bad.  I first thought I had that 24hr stomack flu.  That is until the whole ordeal lasted 3 1/2 days.  Which on the second day was THANKSGIVING!!  My favorite meal.  But it gets better I wake up on the 3rd day and I felt like I was swallowing glass.  Which turned out to be strep throat.  Which is why I was either sleeping or throwing up the whole time.  YIPEE!!  So yesterday evening I started feeling able to hold food down and actually hold a conversation with someone. My Thanksgiving or our Thanksgiving rather, was very unconventional and Don was so sweet.  He decided he didnt want to leave me home alone on Thanksgiving.  Even though I was about as good as a wet rag.  He stayed home with the kids he made them mac and cheese and corn dogs which they ate it all.  He made me some chicken broth cuz that was about all I could take.  The house is a tornado and the curtains havent been open in 5days now but I can actually sit upright and walk around today.  To think all that preparing for eating my favorite Thanksgiving meal complete with my special roll sandwiches.  In which I cram just about everything into it besides the pie.  I walked more and was trying to watch what I ate.  Ha I didnt get to eat any!  And I lost weight the easy way.    On the brighter side though I have been trying to look at it like this.  God knew that Don and I didnt want to spend Thanksgiving with anyone other than ourselves.  We were feeling pressure from both sides and took their invites to avoid hurt feelings.  We completely got out of it, we were together and we actually just did nothing.  Now that may sound stupid but we are so busy that often times we only get one day out of the week to be together and do nothing.  With no one around.  This way I felt like death but I got 5 days with my family and didnt do a thing.   So that is how things have been here and tomorrow is monday and I will be fine to take them to their schools and get back to cleaning my tornado.
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