Good day!!

Sep 26, 2007 12:31

 Good things today!!!  First did I ever mention that I love, love, Love my small group couples!!!!!  They are just fantabulous!!!  Also I got a C on my first lab exam, which I was pleased with because I knew I really blew that one question.  If I would have not blanked that one out I would have aced it.  So to me that is great.  I finally heard from the appraisal company for our home refinance and they will be here friday morning.  I have been cleaning all day.  I know that it wont really matter but it does to me!  I have even been touching up paint from the dogs nails and kids banging on things with their toys.  My finance lady told me that my credit report is going to look awesome when she gets done submitting all my Paid things.  They have been paid since before we bought the house but for some reason they were still listed, we supplied the receipts and all looks good!  So for more good news I had contacted my alderman the other day and he responded to my email right away.  Then he came to my house but we didnt hear the door because it was the kids bedtime so I was tucking them in and Don was in the shower.  He left his card and then called like an hour later!  Don spoke with him and he said he would look into it further.  Well that was Monday and today a police chief called me to ask some more questions and they will be sending an officer sometime and asking more questions and investigating.  He also informed me that there is a nusance ticket and that it requires 3 calls in 30days to the police.  Boy if I wouldve known that I wouldve called along time ago when I was minding my own business.  Also the chief was nice enough to inform me that the calls that were placed were due to violence, a suicide call and a search warrant.  Yeh buddy I called the cops you big insano!!  He had 3 last year and 4 so far this year.  Plus the one I made in regards to the incident.  That one technically was to my house but it was about them so in essence they are seeing a pattern.  It sure will be nice to get some peace around here although they have been extremely quiet lately.

All in all I am getting good news from all around!!  Makes for a great day!  Thank God!!
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