Oct 07, 2008 09:17
I have a heavy heart.
I just wanted to write something now before it fades away. I found out yesterday that a young person took their own life. Why. I don’t know. I can’t understand it either. I know there are a lot of other people that feel the same way. Why do things like this happen? There are so many questions at a time like this and we really don’t have the answers. It really saddens me when I find out someone is going through a tough time and I can’t do anything about it. Did I know the person? No, but I know people that knew the person and it makes my heart hurt for them. I wish I could just enfold everyone in a big hug and let them know it will be okay. I know that giving people hugs will not make the problem or the pain go away. Only time will do that but it’s just a symbol of my love for them and to let them know that I care about them.
I just wanted to let everyone know that I love you. If you ever need to talk about anything then let me know. I know there are times when people say that because they don’t know what else to say, but I mean it with my whole heart. We want to put on a mask and let everyone know that it’s alright and everything is fine but really we are carrying all the hurt and anger and frustration inside. I know that sometimes I do that. One of my favorite things to do when I feel like that is to listen to music. I feel I gain strength and courage to face the rough times ahead. There is a band that has helped me through a lot and I wanted to share them with you. They are called Fireflight. I urge everyone to check them out. One song that has got me through some things is called Forever. It’s not just the music it’s the message and hope in them.
I also like to go to the beach and just walk on the shore. That is one of my favorite things to do. I’m going to make time to do that this weekend.
Thanks for reading.