Thoughts regarding Assange

Aug 16, 2012 10:27

So Julian Assange was granted asylum by Ecuador today. And I suppose the events leading up to that prove that for the people prosecuting him, it was never about sexual assault.  The person who really loses here is his accuser; because the US and Sweden and Britain all failed to produce guarantees that he would not be extradited to the US to face other charges, she will not get her day to prove her case in court and come out from under the malign of people saying "she's in it for the money / fame / glory."  She's screwed and he walks away without ever having to face the charges.

If they'd ever cared one wit for the crime he was actually accused of and the course of justice and decency, the governments involved would have provided guarantees that would have put him on trial in Sweden for sexual assault and left it at that.  Instead, they have proven that they can abuse his accuser for their own ends and toss her away without so much as a second thought - it doesn't matter to them in the least. And perhaps we already knew that, but it certainly doesn't leave anyone who remains in high profile in this case in a good light.    
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