So, I've been thinking on one of the more complex parts of time travel. The paradox.
Well, one form thereof.
You go back in time and change something.
What happens?
Ok, this is assuming it's possible of course.
Ok... there are two ways of looking at this, first there's the pre-deterministic view. as the Universe sees it, you've already been back to make your change, causing your present. Thus, any changes you make are already factored in, meaning you can't actually make actual changes, because you already did it, and clearly the fact that you're attempting proves somewhat that it failed. That, or you told yourself to do it to ensure something that could occur, doesn't.
Or... there's the other way of thinking. You go back, change things, re-write history.
The problem with this, is that there are two ways things could go. First, the parallel universe idea.
A second Universe is created by the act of time travelling.
This is clearly stupid. To create a second identical Universe, would require destroying the current one due to conservation of energy etc.
This brings on the other possibility.
You change time, then history is literally re-written. The question is, how does this happen? Does it instantaneously ripple along the 4th dimension of the Universe, meaning everyone effectively replays their lives from the moment of change and thus, both having lived two lives, yet only living one?
I find it interesting to think about anyways. Perhaps it is just a case of being like if I move an object now, in the future it'll stay in that position. If I didn't, it'd be in a different one. But so goes.