I ate way too much burrito last night. I felt really horrible afterwards. But I think that I know why. Whenever I am in pain (particularly during *that* time of the month) I tend to eat more. I don't know if I actually am more hungry, or if it just gives my body something to do besides think about the pain that it is.
Well anyway, after my tetanus shot of wednesday morning, my arm has just been pulsing, flaming, and generally hurting with pains. I can only assume that that is the reason for my uncharacteristic gluttony.
In regards to the shot, I'm just glad that
football_swan convinced me to get it done Wed. morning. If I had waited until yesterday or today, the trip to Phi's parents would have been a nightmare! As it is, I'm sick and tired of the arm hurting, and of feeling like a wuss.
In other news, we watched the Dark Knight yesterday after work. It was very good, though I thought that Two-Face's face was extremely unrealistic, over the top, and not biologically possible. Heath Ledger's performance as the Joker was truly magnificent, spine tingling, and just all around awesome.
Happy Friday to all!