Well, here we are, and it sure is Monday.
On Friday Phi and I went to the Atlanta area and we ate at TGI Fridays and went with bowling with
darthcad and a group of people. It was lots of fun. If anyone has watched the Food Network Recipe Challenges that have been going on the last month or so you might have recognized what I got to eat:
Caprese Lasagna Salad (the recipe, if you are curious) It was SO good! Bowling was lots of fun until my right wrist gave out (curses upon my wrist brace, wherever it may be hiding!)
Saturday we took the pup to the dog park, which was good timing, because when we got back it started raining and didn't stop all day! WE also did some shopping and bought Battle Star Galactica Seaon 3, whoop! Unfortunately we didn't get the blinds or curtains that we were wanting to get; oh well, there's always next weekend.
Sunday we went to church (it was freezing outside!) and then cleaned out a bit of stuff for the church yardsale (more big stuff will need to be picked up some time this week), then we went over to Sarah's place, cooked, had wine and played trivial pursuit. It was fun!
Then it was Monday morning. :-( Why are the weekends never long enough????