Running: So Damn Proud

Jul 28, 2008 23:01

I think I might be more proud of myself for this than I was when I got my degree. I always knew I'd succeed in the degree... this I wasn't so sure about.

Tonight I ran my first 10:1s. For those of you who are fit and runners that might not sound like much, but considering my body... wow.

I took a clinic through the running room... and fell in love. 9 weeks ago, at my first week, I could barely finish 1:2s. 1 minute running was more than my body could handle. The second week was even worse... 1:1s, and I couldn't run the last two intervals. Then I was saved... we finally got a proper instructor who instilled a message in me: even if you have to go so slow you're barely moving forward, it's more important to finish than to keep up with the fast people. So I did, and after that things became great. Every single week I would say "at the start I couldn't run 1 minute! I just ran more x minutes! I would never have thought that possible!"

Then tonight... oh my god. So wonderful. I ran two 10s, and shaved a minute and a half off my pace for most of the time. And I cannot believe it. I'm finally becoming the person I've wanted to be for years... it feels so great.

If I can do it... anyone can.

August 16th I run my first 5K. Expect me to be even more astounded after that.
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