Jan 11, 2005 23:38
Wow....it's been over a month since I've even sort of done an entry. I guess I should update.
Came through Christmas holidays fine, had a couple of nice gigs, and lots of wonderful sleep...even if it was a little depressing to be away from the school crowd for so long. Got a new digital camera for Christmas, so expect pictures in the near future, as well as acquiring a complete set of recordings of the Berlin Philharmonic doing the entirety of Beethoven's Symphonies (truly wonderful), and a new bodhran along with some other trifles.
This is my last semester of undergraduate work, which means that I'm student teaching. Can I just say BLAH!!! Not to teaching of course, but to being a copy person/substitute teacher involuntarily. Hopefully by the end of the semester they will let me actually teach. My biggest complaint at this point is that I now wake up at 5:45am every morning.....THE SUN'S NOT EVEN OUT YET AT THAT TIME!!!!! My studio's getting bigger by the day, so that's good, although it's becoming apparent that working part time at the hospital, running a studio, gigging on the side, and student teaching full time may be physically impossible. I'm hoping to get my boss at the hospital to let me work only on the weekends, but I'm thinking I'm probably going to either work there or not work there and make a decision.
Anyway, i'll probably tell more later, but right now I'm about to collapse from exhaustion. ;) Happiness is being able to do what you love for a living.