(no subject)

Feb 07, 2007 15:06

Um. Okay. Not been around on this a whole lot lately. Figured that, y'know, if anyone cares, I'd say what all's going on my life at the moment.

As you may or may not know, January 31st was my birthday. I'm now twenty-two.

I'm currently taking Intro to Mythology, Typography, Intro to Business, Drawing II, and Career Planning.

Intro to Mythology is pretty fun, and the teacher's nice to talk with about mythology, though she likes for us to watch movies for whatever reason. We watched Whale Rider, which is based off of an old Polynesian myth, and are currently watching Troy. Nothing wrong with movies, but I've been growing steadily less and less interested in them.

Typography is a pain in the ass. We've got lots of little projects thrown in with the big projects, so it keeps me hustling like crazy. Plus I have to do some slide show about some little-known guy, and all I've been able to find out so far is what fonts he did. Argh. And I don't have Illustrator at home to work on these projects. Double argh.

Intro to Business is...dull. That's all I have to say about it.

Drawing II is pretty fun so far. I like projects much more than homework, thank you. Currently, I'm working on a distorted photograph, which is basically printing off a copy of a photo, folding it into a grid, folding a larger but proportionally sized tracing paper into a similar grid, then basing that onto the creation of a warped grid, warping the contents of each square to fit the distorted squares, then transcribing it to a regular piece of paper and turning it into a masterpiece or somesuch. Said photo was supposed to be one of me and at least two other people in it with at least some detail shown to the faces; since I have almost no pictures of myself, much less with other people, me being the antisocial bastard I am...I snitched one of the ACen pictures. Congratulations, Quetzy, Sesah, Xai. You are now featuring in a masterpiece. A masterpiece that involves Quetzy's face being comically squished. XD At any rate, we're getting near the end of that, so we'll see how it looks. Though the teacher says I need to push the contrast more, because apparently my shading is teh suxxorz. Ah, well.

Finally, Career Planning...so far has consisted of taking lots and lots of test thingies. I took the Myers-Briggs thing again. Still INTP. Still scarily accurate, dammit.

Overall, school is...hectic. I hope I manage to pass everything. x_x Also, with my current schedule, I wind up being at school for approximately twelve hours Monday through Wednesday, and about...five or so hours on Thursday and Friday. Which is making me generally lacking in sleep.

Still don't have a job. Which is generally sucky. Though my life would undoubtedly be even more hectic if I did.

My brother is going to be turning eighteen this year. He has expressed a strong interest in leaving the house as soon as he hits eighteen and moving into an apartment with some of his coworkers. Damn, I still think of him as sixteen most of the time. Hard to believe he's almost eighteen...especially with the way he acts. Mein gott. Still, maybe being on his own a bit, away from the parents, will at least get him to stop pinning everything that goes wrong on other people. Or maybe everything will magically get better for him. I'll be the first to admit my parents are hard to get along with.

I will hopefully be turning up at ACen again, like the bad and slightly psychotic penny I am.

In my spare time, I have been...sleeping, reading manga as usual, and, recently, reading fanfiction. Which is, surprisingly, not all crap. Just mostly. But some of it's good stuff, and some of it's hilarious. Crossovers amuse me. Except for the ninety-nine percent that are utter crap. And then there's the stuff that's more or less well-written, but gives me the cold shivers. Literally. Brr.

Been thinking about actually trying my hand at writing some fanfiction, but like all my other writing and most of my drawing, this has been put more or less on hold while I try to grapple, possibly indiscriminately, with my school schedule.

Recently got Pokemon: FireRed and Disgaea 2. Also a PS2, which isn't in the best of working condition, but eh. Can't have everything. The latter two were a birthday present, the latter was...just because my brother had some spare money when we went to shop for some new games now that we have a PS2.

Mentally, eh. I'm feeling worn out and generally like I'm spinning my wheels in the air while stuck on my back. Depressed fairly often, especially when I'm tired, dammit. Which is a lot. I'm honestly not sure what I want to do, or even if there's somewhere I should be trying to go. I probably would enjoy game design, but it's a hard field to break into. Still, I've gotten some encouragement from Kim and Cal...thanks, you two. You've made me feel a lot better about stuff.

Don't really talk to people as much as I used to, so I suppose some loneliness is generally inevitable. Honestly, it annoys me on general principles. I don't want to have to need people, dammit. I don't want to feel shitty just because I haven't got someone to whom I can just have a long cathartic chat with about what's really bugging me in my life. And I definitely get damn tired of going to sleep at night with the general desire that there could be someone next to me to wrap my arms around. It's stupid...but all too human, I guess.

But, yeah, didn't come here to whine and all that. This is just a general update, and I may, perhaps, go into some of the things I've been thinking about in regards to my emotional wossnamery some other time, assuming I can get my act together enough to write a little essay or two on some subjects I've been thinking about.

Until whenever I write something in this thing again.

See you around, all.

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