I cast Resurrection on this journal.

Nov 14, 2019 14:59

*cups hands around mouth* Hellooooooo? Is anybody theeeeeere?


So, Arashi huh. Having an official social media presence, huh. Who'd have thought we'd ever see the day.

And apparently fandom just never bothered to move??? This is still amazing to me after at least a week of being aware of this, I could've sworn LJ was dead as a doormouse. But why fix something that isn't inherently broken I guess. Though I gotta be honest, being forced to read my own profile text from... I think 2011 was an experience I don't want to repeat any time soon, jfc.

I'm gonna try and see if I can help out with the dead link revival project soonish, I just have to order a new power cable for my ancient external harddrive first. I'm sure there's something in that terrabite of data that could be useful. I'm pretty sure I also had a whole giant case of DVD sleeves full with D no Arashi, though I have no idea if that still exists or if those DVDs would even still be operational.

Anyway all of this still feels kind of surreal. >_>

fandom, arashi

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