Thinking aloud again, oh noez

Oct 02, 2011 03:19

So, this evening I was telling awickedman how I have this theory about Teru and Sora and Elisabeth and 2012. And of course we were both moaning that we don't want that, because for that to happen, Yuuhi would have to retire, and absolutely nobody wants that. So we didn't talk any further about it.

But seriously you guys, doesn't it fit? I mean, we've all seen Teru in her Raphael wig (or whatever her role in Datenshi no Namida was called, too lazy to look it up right now), we've all seen her in her Christopher wig... silver is totally Teru's color. And I can very well see Micchan as Franz... and Tomochin won't like it, but seeing her as Lucheni would be kind of epic, too.

The only question I have to ask myself: What the heck would they do about Kacha?

I have to be honest here and say that I have not really any idea about ranking in Sora. Teru, Micchan, Tomochin... and then who? Masako? And Kacha after that? Somebody enlighten me please. D:

Be that as it may, the best Kacha could possibly get in a 2012 production would be Rudolph, right? Right?
... Let's consider that for a moment....

That means Kacha would get a note in the TakaWiki as the first Elisabeth participant who actually got downgraded. >_____>" *pats the poor kid*

What do you guys think about that? Other theories are welcome! :D

Happy Birthday Kiriyan! \(^_____^)/

i should go to bed now, takarazuka, gender-ambitious ladies, crazy stuff... craaaazy stuff

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