Got the paperwork straightened out, back in Aachen now.
... So it seems there were Tumbling cosplayers at the Animagic on Sunday. And I didn't see them because I only went Saturday. T____________T
day 17 - The first Arashi-related drama you thought of the moment you read this
YamaTaro was not my first ever Arashi drama (that was HanaDan) nor was it my first ever Nino drama (that was Stand Up!!), BUT it introduced me to Sho-chan. XD It basically was one of the reasons why I decided to research on Arashi as a whole, because when I found out that Sho was in the same band as Jun and Nino, and that there were only two other members left, I thought after already getting to know three fifths of them, I should take a look at the other two guys, too. So I downloaded Shukudai. XD
Not that that matters here. It simply was the one that popped into my head when I read the theme for today. XD
I've started re-watching Buzzer Beat yesterday, and now I'm already smack in the middle of episode 4 X"D. Ahh, that drama is fun.