So, I was commenting on
ellipsisblack's journal, and while I was doing so I came up with a fantastic idea.
Doctor Who: The Musical
What was your reaction to the above four words? If it was: That's such a desecration. People like you shouldn't be allowed to live, let alone watch Dr Who, I suggest you hit your back button right now. However if you let out a
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I really need to include an Endurance icon in my six again...
*does a happy dance* ee!
Haha, I just had a hilarious idea about - what if an understudy needed to take over in the middle of the show? They could just work a quick "regeneration" scene into the play, ha! Hmm, well it amused me at the time - during the 2 seconds it took to form that thought.
I love your regeneration idea. Very Curse of Fatal Death :D
EEEEE! New Zealand! I'm hoping desperately to work in the NZ Scott Base in Antarctica restoring Shackleton's hut. I'm applying for a 6-month position. I want it! Anyway. That doesn't have very much to do with New Zealand really. But I keep emailing and calling with NZ Antarctic people, so that's the first thing you made me think of.
Do you live there?
Yes, I like Mark McGann. Mainly just because of the Tom Crean thing (I don't think I've seen him in anything else). He was a great Tom Crean :)
Have you visited my wee comm mark_mcgann? Particularly (squee!) ?
The glacier was amazing. You can read a little about it here. I will try to post photos when I have time (ie not in the next fortnight)
I shall go read about your glaciers at once!
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