GO HERE RIGHT NOW OR ELSE 1. what is your favourite disney movie and why?
Little Mermaid and Beauty & The Beast have the best songs, but Road to Eldorado and Lilo & Stitch are the coolest stories.
2. who is your favourite disney princess and why?
Pocahontas, because I want little leafy cute orange leavy thingies swirling around my hair and making it pretty. And..I'm comforted by the idea of rocks and trees talking to me.
3. who is your favourite disney villian and why?
Ursulla. She's a whooole lotta woman...err...Octapus...err...flaccid grey flesh.
Anyone who makes tentacles look that cool is ok by me.
4. who is your favourite disney sidekick and why?
Flotsam and jetsam were cool, but Panic and Pain were better.
Flounder was an ass, Lilo was a midget, that candlestick annoyed the pants off me, and those dwarves were..just..no. Panic and Pain were the best. Wait!!! No!!! Altevo from El Dorado ROCKED.
5. what is your favourite song from a disney movie and why?
Hhm..I like 'I won't say I'm in love' from Hercules. It's cute.
6. what is your favourite disney quote?
"Wow. San Francisco."
7. what is your favourite disney sequel and why?
I've never seen a Disney sequel.
8. what disney character can you relate to the most/are the most like?
Oh god I don't know...The wardrobe from Beauty & The Beast, how about that?