Well, it's the start of a new quarter and I'm once again spending much, much time online. I'm taking the final class for my French minor this quarter (After this I'm going to have to start reading French novels or something). It's a "techniques of narration" class. Basically you create a character, come up with a backstory and then write three blog entries for them. The idea is all the characters are living together in the same immeuble in Paris, located in what my friend who just got back from a quarter in Paris informed me is the Jewish gay district, and we're suppose to comment on entries like we're getting to know eachother. So basically it's Role Playing. In French. For credit. I'm pretty excited.
In other news: the "T" key fell of my keyboard, so everytime I want to type a "T" I have to press the little rubber under button thingy. There's really not a more inconvient non-vowel letter that could have this problem. One day I'm going to get me some super glue.
Also, if you have any interest in fuzzy friends of the feline variety, check this out:
WTF It's short and pretty much amazing. If you've already seen it watch it again. Pretty much amazing.