Hi all. I have a question for some of you. But before that, I want to tell you what this is not... This is not an invitation to revisit the LCMS/ELCA pissing contests that have erupted here in the past. This is not me seeking to correct anyone on their doctrine or beliefs.
What this is is me seeking to understand the perspective of people who
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I believe that God is a God of love. That God created all of us out of this love. I also believe that we are by nature sinful, but God's grace sets us free from that sin. I don't think human beings have the right to decide what sin is worse than another. Sin is sin. It's not important to nitpick. Humans also are not to be the judge of what is worse than something else. What makes homosexuality worse than adultery or murder, or vice versa?
I believe that some people are born gay, and there's no way that God loves them any less. I don't think that gender or sexual orientation or any other "born that way" reason should prohibit a person from serving in the ordained ministry.
After attending a "gay" commitment ceremony last November, I very firmly believe that the church should allow these. I honestly don't believe that there is any way God would want us to exclude anyone from experiencing grace and blessings on a commitment rooted in faith.
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