Hi all. I have a question for some of you. But before that, I want to tell you what this is not... This is not an invitation to revisit the LCMS/ELCA pissing contests that have erupted here in the past. This is not me seeking to correct anyone on their doctrine or beliefs.
What this is is me seeking to understand the perspective of people who
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I will not cite passages of scripture pertaining to this. To do so would be to incite argument, and you're already familiar with them. What I want to know, however, is whether you disregard those passages, or if you perhaps think they have a different meaning than I do?
And let me also state that a great many of my fellow conservatives have blown this WAY out of proportion. Do conservatives believe it to be sinful? Yes. Is it any bigger a sin than any of the other sins? Of course not. So dipsticks like Fred Phelps and his "God Hates Fags" cronies and their ilk are going to be very surprised when they find themselves on the wrong side of God's judgement.
Lastly, thank you for your kind words. Although my inner asshole often jumps up and grabs the reins, I do try to keep him subdued and be a thoughtful person. Again, thank you!
I think we agree on something fundamental - that people who are going to use the Bible should actually read it. I admire your wish to deepen your faith through understanding, and I wish more people would do it. I admit I don't devote enough time to studying the Bible.
I'm curious - what is your feeling about divorce? (Since several of these passages come from places where divorce was discussed immediately before or immediately after.) I come from a blended family in which my LCMS stepfather joined my mother's ELCA church after they were married - second marriage for both. Marrying him was one of the best things my mother ever did as far as I'm concerned, and it gave me the kind of stable family life I wouldn't have had if she'd stayed with my biological father - the kind of family that conservatives always say they're trying to protect. Also, the pastor at my current church was divorced as a young man and remarried while in seminary - my (very limited) understanding of LCMS policies suggests this would not fly over there. Certainly the Bible is clearer on that than it is about homosexuality...your thoughts?
This is probably the most respectful dialogue I've ever had about this issue. Thank you for that!
My feelings on divorce are quite simple. Is divorce aside from marital unfaithfulness (which is not limited to adultery, btw...) a sin? Yep. Is it a forgivable sin? Yep. Once it's been forgiven, can one move on with their life? Yep. To expect a divorced person to remain single for the rest of their life is hard-headed legalism, and it's the very type of religiosity that Jesus railed against throughout his ministry. There's a bit more I could say, but that about sums it up. (Having been involved in youf ministry for nearly five years, I am incredibly angry at people for taking marriage and divorce WAAAAAYY too lightly and not considering the emotional impact on their children, but that's another story.)
As far as LCMS policies on divorced pastors, I have no clue. It would appear that your very limited understanding exceeds mine.
And without another person, this would just be a monologue. Thank you for your participation!
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