High Fructose Corn Syrup

Jan 06, 2009 20:12

Has anybody else seen these stupid commercials on tv lately about how high fructose corn syrup is 'just as good as sugar and natural and made from corn'? This is a load of shit. It's been used a preservative in just about EVERYTHING these days, and if having that much SUGAR isn't good for you, I'd say that goes for HFCS as well. Also if you check out this article:


They tell you that corn syrup inhibits leptin secretion that your body produces to tell you when you are full... so you just keep eating.

So basically I think that the question isn't: should they reduce/remove the tariff on foreign sugar but do we want food that can be preserved for 10 years in our stomach? I think that food is supposed to be eaten fresh. I think food is there to power your body and fill your stomach up... without supressing the leptin that makes you feel full. I think that food should be safe for people to eat, and I don't think food really is anymore.

When I lived in Japan the bread went bad after only 1 week, the chips expired after 30 days, not 6 months-1 year. Everything expired faster there, because HFCS is not allowed for use in Japanese food. Not even in their soft drinks. Go figure. No wonder they are all so skinny and long lived. Obviously their diet of fresh vegetables and low fat proteins like fish and soy contribute heavily but I can't help but think the lack of HFCS is also a factor. I mean... I saw plenty of japanese kids eating snack foods, and they were still skinny.

Food for thought I guess.


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