Aug 22, 2008 21:28
I dunno, maybe it is just me but lately everywhere I go on the internet, or even when I pick up the phone there are companies wanting me to take surveys. It isn't that I object to surveys, or helping a company improve it's website or product offerings, but DAMN surveys seem to be really long these days. I remember when I survey was only 2-5 minutes long. Now I keep getting asked to do 15-30 minute surveys. I mean... do people really think I have this much free time on my hands?! Plus, they want you to do them for FREE. I mean if I have to give you 30 minutes of my life to help you improve your company I think I at least deserve a coupon or something. Call me materialistic but that's just how i feel. I mean they DO pay people to do surveys... and I don't mind doing the 5 minute ones for free but no way will I do one that is 30 min. for free. So f*** you cheapskate-y companies.