Trying the LJ Android app, we'll see how this goes.
Anyways! Sorry I hven't written in a bit; I have been ultra busy with school OTL
An outfit shot for my last day of fall classes. Keeping in mind that this is the middle of freakin' DECEMBER, c'mon Georgia!
I'll post more previous outfits when I have the time.
I guess it's more... otome-kei ish?
Finals is coming up (have one in Visual Merchandising tomorrow)
So far--
Retail Opeations Management - 86
Consumer Behaviour - 96
Visual Merchandising - 101
Professional Selling - 91
And among other things, I have three pieces being presented at our local gallery for a pin-up art auction, so I am totes excited! I'll post more on that near the 15th, when finals are over.
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LiveJournal app for Android.