Finished: Rosy Round Collar JSK

Oct 20, 2011 18:35

So apparently I just said "screw it, and went all out. XD After hand sewing from midnight to 6am, then from 2pm to 5pm, I finished my JSK~

I want to find a nice long sleeved blouse, preferably white. And I'll make the bow for it later; my fingers hurt OTL The JSK has a ruffle collar (which I now have to fix one side because the thread broke, hahaa~) and it's high-waisted. That wasn't intentional, but because the JSK is much longer than my others, I actually really like that it's high-waisted. ;3; Live and learn though; I still have a lot to learn when it comes to sewing~

lolita: outfit shot, lolita: sewing

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