Hahahaha. So there are a bunch of anti-serial adding communities sprouting up and I have never laughed so hard.
What I think is too cute is that they think that they are lj activists or something. They actually see getting rid of serial adders as this big, important mission.
Hahaha they also have top secret posts and hidden lists of serial adders that only those that can make it past security are able to read.
I say go ahead. It makes for wonderful entertainment.
For those that are interested in stopping immoral lj users such as myself, here are your sanctuaries. This list is also for those that want a good laugh.
__anti_adders_. I am sure there are others, but those are the ones I have so far.
Wow, it must be nice to have the kind of time one would need to pursue such a lame, pointless, and petty mission.