Friends Only [as of November 23rd, 2004]

Nov 23, 2004 23:16

[FO banner created by keshinnokitsune]

So, I made my journal Friends Only just like I said I would! At first, I was feeling a little off about it, but then I realized that I very rarely add people anyways and I don't add people who just come up to me and say "add me 'cause I saw you somewhere!" so really it makes little difference. Just be sure to log in if you want to read my entries!

For those of you who just happened by here and are wanting on my Friends List, it's very unlikely I'll add you, unless I know you from somewhere and want to add you. I'm not trying to be a bitch about it, but I have no need for people badgering me on my own journal! However, if you still have something you want to get to me, but otherwise can't feel free to leave a comment. Just don't be upset if you aren't added ^^;