The Dark Alleyway

Jul 08, 2008 17:55

I've found an excellent vampire game for those that are interested.  It's online, free and completely addictive.

Visit here and give it a try:  The Dark Alleyway

On a side note lots has happened since I've last posted.  I have a new job in a large law practice.  I'm still in family law which is good.  I'n nervous and start on Monday.

I've read 20 of the 50 books needed in the 50 book challenge so far.  I'm behind where I want to be,  I wanted to be at about 25 by this time but that's alright.  I want to do a book overview with my list of books and opinions on each but I'm way too tired for that at the moment.

Am dying to try my hand at quilting....I know you're thinking "hello grandma".....most of my friend's have given me funny looks when I've mentioned my desire to try my hand.  I've got my fabric and am currently cutting squares.  However I need to find a place for my sewing machine etc.  Then I have to learn to use said sewing machine.  It's all a bit overwhelming so if anyone knows some really good online tutorials or can give me some advice it would be much appreciated.

Two of my closests friends have just given birth to their first children.  One is a lovely boy and another is a darling girl.  It really makes me think about where I am in life.  Sure my career is on track but I haven't had a proper relationship ever and am not even currently dating.  Reflections on your life can sometimes be painful.

job, friends, quilting, books

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