Dec 05, 2008 13:30
Apparently my last post was 19 weeks ago!!!
Alot has changed, work is fine, love life is.... single, scouts is... stressful and I'm ill as usual
Rob and I are over, his reasoning I mean to much to him, I'm too good for him and he doesn't want to hurt me, well if that isn't a random reason I don't know what is. Needless to say I din't take it to well, but I'm on the mend, not one I'm likely to bounce back from too quickly!
However the break up made me realise my life was on hold for someone else, I had put on hold buying a house, I had considered moving up north, I was babysitting a scorpion, and my life started to revolve around him :(. I made a kinda snap decsision, but it's turning out to be the best decision I may ever make. I'm off to uni. I'm heading off to study Law and I've already had an offer without sending off my UCAS. It'll be hard but I need to do it, I cannot spend my life being the office bitch. I'm fed up to the back teeth with it!
Cubs well I'll have to say goodbye in September, I can't do everything, but I love them to bits. However one of them is now suspended after biting one of the others randomly in a meeting, so hard he left teeth marks 2 hours later and bruising, THROUGH A JUMPER! so just a tad stressful, i really have better things to be doing than to be threatened by parents because of a miserable little sod with no communication skills! But oh well, I'll live and the pack will survive, damn children, now I know why they say you should work with children or animals.
Other stuff has happened but I have nothing further to explain than the pics that are already on fb. so ummmmm yeah...
Speak soon