Mar 04, 2008 13:29
So high time for an update really, apparently the last time I was on here was 34 weeks ago... That's truly scary, so much has happened since being on here, since school, since everything really.
I work as Team Administrator for a management consultancy firm in the West End i love it so much. I'm an Akela with cubs, assistant leader with 2 explorer units, junior choreographer with GLSW county show, single but having fun AND LOVING LIFE :)
Part of me does feel I'm missing out on uni etc and the social life, but another part of me just can't be arsed with the whole uni life. right now I'm loving having money, socialising in swanky West End night spots, and being able to plan a time when I might actually move out the house and get my own place :)
Feels odd writing all this down, other stuff has happened but I'll go into that later.
1 thing is for sure. I miss the common room, I miss being able to randomly turn round to someone and get a response to a completely random comment lol. I'm the youngest here and it feels it sometimes, but only sometimes, and everyone has been great.
21 this october... how scary is that!
Anyways, I really should be doing some work :)
Much love