Nov 19, 2007 18:57
This morning my physical therapist was further helping me perfect my running form. (Try backwards walking on a treadmill sometime.) Tonight I went running and had a huge revelation: butt and hip muscles are for pelvis stablization. Legs are for running. With shoulders back, stomach tight and pelvis all tucked where it ought to be, I also got this "run proud" position many runners talk about. It was kind of cool. Legs really do all the work. Who knew?
As a bonus prize, I was also running faster. Neat.
There was also more pilates reformer work. Oh, the reformer. I must say making big circle with one's legs while they are attached to ropes is a pretty surreal way to start Monday morning. Josef Pilates gets my badass of the year award. Please send a Pilates Makes Me Cry t-shirt.
Although, in bonus prize land, I also must admit my legs/thighs/butt are getting less fatty and more muscle-y. Who knew that could happen?