App for SC

Jun 16, 2025 18:07


Player Name: Rian
Age: 21
Timezone: EST
Personal Journal: minachi
Contact Information:
Instant Messenger: KindaLikeUtopia (AIM)


Name: Yuri Lowell
Age: 21
Gender: Male
Fandom: Tales of Vesperia (360 version, though with some details from the PS3 version and prequel movie as needed).
Timeline: Just after the events at the top of Zaude. After defeating the Disk One Boss, Yuri is stabbed and thrown off a tower into the ocean. He'll end up in DC before his (canonical) rescue by Duke.
History: Here, from the Tales of wiki.

Character Personality: Yuri is blunt, laid-back, cheerful, rude when necessary, and deceptively kind-hearted. He generally comes off as flippant, but anyone who comes to him for aid will get it.

Yuri gets a bit of a kick out of messing with people, and he tends to tease just about everyone he meets, even if said teasing isn’t really the best idea. He is, however, generally a very sincere person - if he says something not in jest, he means it. He doesn’t particularly care for diplomacy, and rarely lies, preferring instead to stick to honesty, even when that may not be what people want to hear. Yuri is empathetic to a fault, and can easily pick up on other's feelings, but tends to distance himself from people in order to avoid an overload of emotional entanglements. Though he tries to act distant and somewhat aloof, he can’t really stay out of a conflict, or resist standing up for someone in need.

Underneath his irresponsible facade, Yuri is extremely protective of anything or anyone he believes needs protecting. Should something threaten someone close to him, or even an innocent stranger, he will immediately shed his slack-off attitude and let his remarkable determination and force of will shine through. Yuri does not back down - this is part arrogance, but it stems mostly from a quiet confidence that he will always do what needs be done, and nothing will stand in his way.

What really drives Yuri is his desire to solve the problems in front of him. Though he and his childhood friend Flynn did join the Imperial Knights as a young man, this sort of attitude ultimately drove Yuri to quit - Yuri couldn't stand jumping through legal hoops while people were being exploited, and he wasn't patient enough to wait for larger changes to come. Flynn, in contrast, stuck it out, and it would not be inaccurate to say that Yuri is just the slightest bit envious of Flynn's perseverance, or that he holds him on a bit of a pedestal. Years of stagnating in the Lower Quarter, unable to make a difference, while watching Flynn rise through the ranks has left Yuri with an odd combination of learned boredom and a desire to prove himself and make a difference. He can't stand to see someone suffering, and while this means he often can't see the forest for the trees, instead preferring to fix smaller problems rather than larger contexts, it also means he's the first to arrive when there's trouble. By contrast, Flynn tends to focus on the larger issues rather than immediate problems, and this difference in methodology has caused the two to butt heads more than once. This holds true even now, though his travels outside of Zaphias have helped to moderate his views.

For all Yuri's usual disinterest in the bigger picture, he has a bit of a hero complex to him, though he's perhaps closer to vigilante than white knight (that's Flynn's gig). He believes very strongly in punishing those who do wrong, and years of watching high-ranking nobles get away with high-ranking crime has left him skeptical of the ability of law and government to truly mete out justice. This skepticism, combined with some particularly horrendous example of corruption, has given Yuri a potentially dangerous vigilante complex. However, while this complex resulted in the murders of two rather nasty nobleman, Yuri has since come to realize that attempting to dole out vigilante justice with his own hands may indeed make him no better than the monsters he was trying to destroy. Even so, Yuri will not ignore wrongdoing in any situation, no matter who he has to face - wealth, power, clout, and personal ramifications make no difference when he goes after someone who has erred. He may not be likely to kill people any more, but that doesn't mean he can't find some way to punish them.

His travels with the party have allowed Yuri to open up, both to people and to himself. Where before Yuri was reclusive and bored, he is now more outgoing and active around people, especially those he trusts or cares for. Yuri plays the big brother for a large part of the party, and is especially sensitive to the needs of the younger members (Estelle and Karol particularly). To Estelle, he is a friend and somewhat unwilling bodyguard and teacher; her years of seclusion in the castle meant that Yuri wound up having to teach her about the outside world, and as such he has a very strong protective urge towards her, for all that he likes to tease Estelle. To Karol, Yuri is almost literally an older brother figure, helping him to develop as fighter, a leader, and a person in general. He accepts Karol's cowardice without reproach, and supports him as he grows bolder and braver. Though he'll likely never admit it, Yuri is proud of Karol for bearing the responsibility of leading their guild and doing so well at it.

The adult members of the party, Raven and Judith, get a similar sort of silent, unwavering support from Yuri, despite both Raven and Judy hiding secrets that were very dangerous to everyone's well-being. As the third member of the guild, Yuri trusts Judith to fight by his side and to pick up his slack. They are an odd-pair of brothers-in-arms, but it works even so, and the heavy dose of playful flirting certainly helps. Raven and Yuri are both too independent to rely on each other as the rest of the party does, but they have a subtle understand of the other's support, and that's all they really need.

Of course, this is not to say that Yuri's journey toward trusting other people has been smooth - Yuri has a slow-burning temper that occasionally explodes into cold, focused anger, and it has at least once been directed at a member of the party. When dealing with the psychological effects of murdering two people (even if they did deserve it), Yuri became paranoid, distrusting, and even threatening towards people he had once trusted at the slightest sign of doubt. Even with this phase thankfully gone, Yuri's determination to do what needs to be done can be painfully directed at his friends, if he finds it to be necessary. For example, though he would have never forgiven himself, Yuri at once point had made up his mind to end the suffering - and life - of a close friend (Estelle) with his own hands. While he was luckily dissuaded from this plan, the fact remains that Yuri's determination is unwavering to a fault. Part of this is his desire to shoulder tough burdens himself and to prevent other people from having to do the same, and part of this is because he believes himself Flynn's counterpart - where Flynn is the heroic white knight who will save the kingdom, Yuri is the lone wolf who does what others cannot because in the end, someone must.

Character Abilities: Yuri is a melee fighter first and foremost. He is equally skilled with axes and swords, one- or two-handed, and relies on both brute force and skill to get him through battles. Yuri uses a bodhi blastia - the small mana crystal around his wrist - to infuse his attacks with a supernaturally deadly force, and to move his weapon with an almost weightless agility. Though he tries to hide it, his fighting style carries very distinct influences from his time as an Imperial Knight. The combination of his bodhi blastia and his physical strength means that Yuri is very fast in combat.

Even without his bodhi blastia, Yuri is a force to be reckoned with. He's been a fighter since he was very young (first out of necessity, and later by choice), so it's safe to say that he's a very experienced and very formidable opponent. Yuri is also perfectly capable of fighting with his fists, and in fact owns a very impressive collection of studded gloves and brass knuckles. Yuri tends to modify his learned moves, or just make up his own moves, much to Flynn's annoyance, and he has a tendency to fight via Rule of Cool, adding flips, spins, and flashy sword spins to his battles whenever he can.

Yuri’s leadership skills are far from optimal, but he can exercise a certain sort of charisma when needed, and people are often drawn to his blunt yet honest personality. He is observant, inquisitive, and intelligent, even - especially - when he doesn’t look it.

Character Weaknesses: While some people are attracted to his blunt, independent attitude, many others find him rather cold and sarcastic. Yuri tends to instinctively butt heads with everyone he comes across, though it's usually out of habit than aggressiveness. Authority figures in particular have a terrible difficulty dealing with his stubborn, contrary nature, and he has turned rule-breaking into a habit.

He tends to push people away with his smarmy attitude and though he is not incapable of forming serious relationships, it takes a surprising amount of effort to get past his outer shell. In spite of (or more likely because of) his extreme empathy, Yuri tends to be reclusive, and while he'll make for good company while he's around he's not likely to reach out for other people on his own.

Yuri also has a bit of a temper, though it is slow burning and results in cold, occasionally violent anger. One of the primary triggers for this is the exploitation of innocents, and in game this eventually escalates to two men being murdered by Yuri's hand. However, his overdeveloped vigilante complex comes from his cynical view of the ineffectiveness of the laws of man, and an idealism he often tries to hide.

Though Yuri’s strength and bodhi blastia make him a force to be reckoned with, he is notoriously reckless, often opting instead for moves that are flashy or potentially devastating, but tend to put him at high risk for counterattack. He rarely fights defensively, instead going all-out even when it means leaving himself open. Yuri relies on his reflexes and stamina to stay on his feet, and has little in the way of defense.


What are the abilities that your character will retain in Soul Campaign?
- Excellent general fighting skill, as that's training-based
- Good reaction speed and above-average striking power.
- The ability to do backflips from a standing position.

What are the weaknesses that your character will lose or gain in Soul Campaign?
- No blastia, of course.
- Related to this, his blastia-derived super strength is now gone, though he's hardly weak and likely still stronger than the average person.


Why your character should be a Weapon: First and foremost, Yuri is very combat-oriented. Not only has fighting been a significant part of life since he was very young, but it is also how he now makes his living, as a mercenary in the guild Brave Vesperia.

Below that, however, is Yuri's own self-perceived short-comings. Both because of his own extreme behavior and because of how he's always been a bit in Flynn's shadow, Yuri tends to avoid responsibility. DC would be no exception, and Yuri wouldn't want the responsibility of having another person's life in his hands like a Meister would do. For all his independence, he'd prefer to do his job and not worry about calling all the potentially dangerous shots.

As to why Yuri would change into his given Weapon form: he is skilled with both swords and axes, but tends to relate more to the axes. Swords are a symbol of the Knights, and Yuri has long since separated himself from that walk of life.

What is your character's Weapon form?: Yuri's Weapon form is that of a heavy, mid-sized battle axe, similar in form to both the Viking Danish axe and Japanese Ono axe. It is made of dark-colored double-forged steel, and fancifully but not ostentatiously decorated with swirling lines and angles reminiscent of Terca Lumireis' alphabet (in purple). The blade is nearly a full semi-circle and topped with a spike, so that it can be used for rudimentary stabbing as well as the more usual slashing and hacking. The edge is relentlessly sharp, but the blade and haft always look somewhat worn, like it's been through more than a few battles. It is technically a two-handed weapon, but someone with sufficient strength could wield it with one.

Yuri's Weapon abilities are directly related to his blastia abilities back home and are as follows:

By default, Yuri's Weapon form is simply a sharp, heavy axe. His first ability is unlocked when wielded, as it requires more than just a weapon to use. This first ability is Dragon Swarm, which is a whirling, devastating combination of punches, kicks, and weapon slashes augmented but not powered by Yuri's soul. This attack is fast and hard-hitting, but not particularly accurate. As such, it doesn't require a high level of resonance and simply requires that the Meister in question is capable of doing a few backflips.

His next level ability is activated in combat with a sufficiently physically powerful Meister, as it requires some brute force to activate. This ability, Destruction Field, causes the wielder to jump into the air and slam hir weapon down on the ground, unleashing a wave of force that damages and knocks back any opponents in its range (up to 3m radius, though anything more than 1m drains the stamina of both Weapon and Meister).

Yuri's third ability requires a sufficient level of resonance, as both Weapon and Meister must work together to aim and power this one. The ability is Shining Eagle, in which wielder slashes low at the ground, unleashing a shockwave that rends the earth and sends the rubble flying up at the opponent. The shockwave is powered by Yuri's soul but directed by the Meister, so if he does not sufficiently trust the Meister in question, this move with likely not work at all. This ability is also limited in use to no more than twice a battle, as anything more strains Yuri's power and puts both Meister and Weapon as risk.

Finally, Yuri's fourth ability is Savage Wolf Fury. This is Yuri's Mystic Arte in game, and now functions as more of a flash-step, allowing the wielder to rain lightening-fast blows upon any enemy in the blink of an eye. The damage here is a combination of the Meister's physical strength and the Weapon's soul strength, as well as their respective willingness to direct and be directed, and represents a very high level of resonance. In addition to it requiring absolute trust between Meister and Weapon for much the same reasons as Shining Eagle, this ability is only useable once a battle owing to its significant drain on the physical and spiritual powers of both participants.

Additionally, Yuri can partially transform his lower left arm into the axe he normally turns into.

All of Yuri's artes, including the ones listed above, can be viewed here.


Soul Description: Kind, proud, independent, cocky, idealistic, vengeful

Soul Appearance: Steely, purplely grey. His 'hair' is significantly longer than most other souls', and appears to be tied back with a gold 'band'.


First Person:
[ The feed pops to life to reveal a bored-looking Yuri Lowell, who has his chin propped up on his hand and is gazing at the camera listlessly.

He experimentally pushes a few buttons on the keyboard, muttering to himself as the device responds unfavorably to the haphazard commands. ]

The fuck is this supposed to do anyway? [ He scowls, annoyed and frustrated - it's obvious he didn't pay much attention to any previous instructions, and it's also obvious that he's in no mood to fiddle around with bizarre new blastia.

Yuri makes a face, angry and bothered and maybe a little hurt, and grabs at his side, trying to quiet a wound that is no longer there. ]

Tch. This had better not be 're-cord-ing', [ he mutters the word awkwardly, like he's not used to using it in this context, and starts fiddling around with the keyboard again. ] Just turn the damn thing off…maybe this red button'll --

Third Person:
Yuri barely even registered Sodia rushing towards him - hell, it's not like he'd have been able to fend her off if he had. He was alone, beaten to hell and back courtesy of Alexei, and staring up at the horrifying monster they'd all just accidentally released.

So when Sodia had charged and her dagger had sunk easily into his side, Yuri literally didn't know what hit him. Suddenly there was flaring pain on his side where there hadn't been before, and he stumbled simply off the edge of the tower. It was only as he started to fall that he glimpsed Sodia's face, stark with shock and pain and oh hell she looked like she was about to cry or something. He hoped she did. It was a really fucking inconvenient time to murder him, all things considered, what with the giant alien tentacle beast about to consume the planet.

And so he fell, and that was a different sort of pain. Turned out that feeling one's stomach drop while simultaneously bleeding out of it was a uniquely excruciating sort of hurt. Yuri wished he could feel something other than angrily annoyed, but his sudden, hopeless frustration didn't leave room for fear or panic or any of the other emotions that he thought most people felt when they were about to die. There was no way he was surviving the drop, and even if he did he'd be dead soon anyway from the fucking hole in his kidney.

He stared at the sky one last time (the parts without oily black trails seeping across it), closed his eyes, and hoped the impact would be quick.

And with another sickening lurch, found he was suddenly laying on a cold stone floor, distinctly not reduced to gelatin via a terminal impact with the ocean. He had to be dead, though - there was no way he could have gotten out of that mess. Yuri sat up, queasy and disoriented, and finally noticed that the stab wound in his side was just…gone.

So that was it, then. He'd died, and was in some sort of freaky afterlife with weird architecture (though there was a lot less hellfire than he'd expected). It was…better than nothing, he guessed? The place was a bit creepy, but considering the other options, Yuri wasn't about to complain too much.

ooc, game: sc

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