pulling pig-tails is still all the rage

Sep 14, 2011 18:37

So, I'm in my use and abuse of drugs class today and for a change I am early. Had a nice, pointless, unremarkable discussion with the girl who has been sitting on my right the last two classes about how the instructor doesn't seem to really know what she's talking about. She really doesn't, but so long as everything that's on the test is in the book, I don't think it matters. And I like her well enough that she doesn't put me to sleep or seem like she's filling the time with irrelevant whining.

There were a lot of seats left, but of course because this always happens to me, the most annoying person in the world decided to take the seat directly to my left. Some days whatever it is that makes them switch seats on the bus so they aren't sitting beside me looks like a real goddamn blessing. This boy wouldn't stop whisper-talking to the boy right in front of him through the whole class. He would toss little balls of rolled-up paper at him to get his attention and then they'd both laugh. I wanted to tell them to just get a fucking room already because Jesus fuck, it was like watching a couple of really irritating howler monkeys circle each other before mating. Now usually I'd be all okay with the whole thing and probably think it was very cute and full of repressed homosexual tendencies and whatnot, but this kid next to me was the most obnoxious shithead on the planet. I mean, when you actually get on my nerves because of your excessive use of the word 'fuck,' then I think we have a serious problem because I have a filthy damn mouth. I believe I heard one of them make a reference to his being from New York, but you know what? That is not an excuse any way you look at it. I have been to New York and met some very cool people and can't really believe that this kind of behavior is the norm because, well, it just isn't.

Also, men of the world, please, for the love of God, pull your fucking pants up. That is not sexy and I don't know where guys ever got the idea that it was. It is a fashion trend that started in prisons because they won't allow prisoners to have belts for their one size fits all jumpers. Just... please, please stop it.

On a brighter note (... sort of), I leave you with a fic rec over at 2ucif3r. Ta.

death from above, you suck: a love story, may it shrivel up and fall off

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