Ranting like a ranting thing

Aug 30, 2011 11:41

I really, intensely dislike my Developmental Psychology professor. For one thing, she's an idiot. I hate when that happens, really I do. Although I will say, it should be easier to do well in the class because of this. I still hate it. Honestly, I don't give a flying fuck about your personal feelings when it comes to children. Shut the fuck up. The ( Read more... )

death from above, get thee behind me satan, this is shit, stupid people do stupid things, boo you hor, may it shrivel up and fall off

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Comments 14

portraitofafool August 30 2011, 22:34:28 UTC
Nice rant, I enjoyed it immensely. Most people do not rant well, but you've got it down to an art and your ire clearly shows, which is why I like them. There's nothing passive about your ranting nor are they whiny. This is what ranting was meant to be. Also, I find it encouraging to see someone else who actually does it. However, much like me, you seem to scare your flist half to death. It's k though, I understand your pain (and rage/hatred/vitriol).

Unfortunately psychologists tend to be among the most arrogant and asinine people you will ever meet. They're also usually cattier and pettier than the most serious of the srs bsns poet-y types out there and that is really saying something. I have found this is particularly true of those who teach psychology. I remember sitting through my first psych class and imagining beating the woman with my book. She also enjoyed randomly calling on people with a smarmy smile that implied she never thought you were paying attention. Also, they are boring and to me at least, psychology is about the ( ... )


lustmordred August 30 2011, 23:41:36 UTC
Yeah, well the day didn't really get much better after that either. I actually didn't think I was going to hate the instructor I have for Child and Adolescent Psych, and I don't really hate her I guess but I'm pretty pissed right now. She said at the beginning of class that our prerequisites for it are Psych 101--which I've taken the equivalent of already--and Childhood Development. So I haven't taken that--don't really think I need to but wtf ever. Anyway, she said if we haven't taken both of those to come see her after class, so I do. I essentially had to email her begging her to let me keep taking the class and with a list of classes I've already taken that I feel are relevant to this one. So I did and I am fucking irritated and a little freaked out. I can't drop below 12 credits or I lose my financial aid and right now 12 credits is what I have. I can't really switch out any classes unless I just take some dipshit thing like an art class or something that I don't need for any reason because I've already taken most of my general ( ... )


swisscheese76 August 31 2011, 03:16:37 UTC
I'm sorry about your misfortune with instructors, but I had to say I throughly enjoyed your rant. I agree with portraitofafool that it was exceptionally well done. I also probably appreciated it a bit because I work at a university. Thanks for making me laugh. And no I wasn't amused by your suffering, just your presentation of it. Good luck with the semester.


lustmordred August 31 2011, 03:34:12 UTC
Yeah, written in the heat of passion is what that was. I was passionately pissed off. I wouldn't really blame you if you were amused. I'd be amused if it wasn't me, too. I find that the more pissed I am when I do posts like this, the funnier people seem to think it is anyway, lol.

You don't work at a university in Montana, do you? Right now they're kinda on my shit list just on basic principal.


swisscheese76 August 31 2011, 04:03:50 UTC
When I'm pissed off my writing is nowhere near as eloquent. It tends to lean more to the whiny side. But from reading your fic I think you have a natural talent that isn't diminished by frustration.

And I’m happy to say I do not work at a university in Montana. I did a short stint at one in Idaho a while back, but I’ve been in California for over 5 years now. I deal with their irrational/illogical policies all day long. Paperwork should be a simple thing, but they’ve managed to make it more complicated than a lot of the classes they teach.


lustmordred August 31 2011, 04:12:42 UTC
I think mine just leans toward DIE IN A FIRE. Although I do mostly try to keep the capslock to a minimum. I find that it's not always necessary, lol. Thank you for saying that, though. It's very nice of you.

I know, right? Why would anyone want to make MORE work for themselves? Because that's what it seems like they do with a lot of this stuff. So much so that they have to employ people to sit around behind desks and such just to explain the confusing shit to us all. I've been going to college for about 7 years altogether now and every time I switch schools, I freak out a little. It's that bad. I spend the first week or two a nervous, confused wreck.


gestaltrose August 31 2011, 07:16:12 UTC
That does sound like a very trying teacher (like trying not to poke her eyes out with sharp things). Were you biking around campus? (is trying to remember and failing) if so how goes the biking?

Hope your next class was better.


lustmordred August 31 2011, 16:59:42 UTC
Biking goes not so well as it's been raining the last two days and I forgot to put something over the seat to keep water out. So, walking is working so far. This is, however, the longest week of hell I can remember in recent history.

I don't know yet if it is. She may be making me drop it. We'll see.


rince1wind August 31 2011, 17:34:27 UTC
Hey, lustm, I feel for you. I sent you a message because I became longwinded myself. Ignore it if you like; I won't be bothered.


lustmordred August 31 2011, 18:07:46 UTC
That's totally okay, but I'm sure it will all blow over. I've actually taken a break before and worked after I got my degree in law enforcement. This is me 3 years into returning to take up something I can actually make a living with. I found that in spite of my education, unless I want to be a peace officer--which I do not--I'm not actually qualified for much. I worked some shit jobs as a cashier and had some really bad experiences, so this is me trying to do it again and maybe get it right this time. I've also found that the first week is usually the most stressful when you first transfer, regardless of where you're at or your major. I was an English major before I switched to psych and social work, so believe me, I know everyone thinks they know everything about everything most of the time. English majors are some of the most stupid faux intellectuals you will ever meet.


rince1wind August 31 2011, 18:09:56 UTC
I hope it does blow over. Sounds like you've got the will, in any case. Best of luck with it all!


lustmordred August 31 2011, 18:11:30 UTC


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