May 09, 2011 20:50
If I have added you to my flist because of something you did then this obviously has nothing do with you because I think you rock. I also think a lot of people who I added back rock, so this is also not about you.
But I'm annoyed because sometimes I get people who go and add my journal because of other people I know or something like that which is actually unrelated to what I do. Which is what is important if you're going to be watching this journal. You better be over here for me, whether it's my stunning personality or my brilliant writerly skillz, whatever, but don't come over here because my best friend is someone you found on LJ and you think she's awesome. My best friend is pretty awesome, but you still suck for that if you don't also like what I do.
Basically, I'm offended by this. I happen to think most of the time that what I do on this journal consists of relatively good shit. If you don't also think that on occasion, then you don't need to be here. Get the fuck out now and do not come back.
Now I'm going to go watch The Resident and eat my dinner because JDM always makes everything better. Even if he's being a creeper.
boo you hor