Damn it. Okay, once more with feeling...

May 13, 2013 16:05

So I wrote a post a minute ago basically annoyed with the shooting in New Orleans coverage. Not because people being shot in New Orleans doesn't suck, but because it happens all the time like weather and no one gives a fuck until it happens in front of tourists at an event in front of video cameras. If the cops in NOLA would pause every once in a while during their 24/7 Irish coffee break and, yanno, not take naps in the ammo closet or give beer and firearms to inmates, that might change and I might try to be surprised when someone gets shot. I'm sure this isn't a popular PoV concerning this, but I really don't care; it's mine.

The post wouldn't post--thank you Peerblock--so that's basically it in a nutshell. I probably was more nice about it the first time though.

Anyway, on a personal level, I finally had the (I hope) last surgery to remove the kidney stone that didn't come out with the first procedure. I'm supposed to take antibiotics to prevent infections, but I mostly forget to do that. I had to remove my own stent this time though, which was a weird experience. And gross. Not really painful, just weird. So, I have no more kidney stone and also no job, but eh. I'm busy right now and not living in a refrigerator box in an alley on Bourbon Street where the wind blows in my direction... so, it's 'kay. It could be worse.

We're having a yard/garage sale this weekend, so there's a lot of work going into setting that up. It would be nice if I could sell my crap and not have to lug it back in the house or give it to charity just to get rid of it. I need money for phone cards and books. I know, my priorities, but whatever keeps a girl sane.

While going through stuff, I found the glass bowl and old can of fish food I had for my betta fish, Hannibal and Clarice (yes) and said I might have to get one to keep me company in the basement. They cost like $10 and they hate everyone. My kind of pet. To which I was told, those are a lot of work. Um... yeah. You can keep one alive in a wine glass, so no, not really. But fine. I don't want to worry about leaving Hannibal II with the parents if and when I finally run for it. They might eat him.

jack's complete lack of surprise, you can't teach god anything, bodies are piling up, the package is the warning, turn down the volume, pull the fucking trigger, too precious for this world, y'all ain't right, no means no, broke the heel on my glass slipper, i smell crickets

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