That's gross. Please stop it at once.

Apr 23, 2013 14:53

I enjoyed my time in Harry Potter fandom, for the most part. I met some cool people, some of whom I still talk too. However, the most insane comments I've ever had on anything have come from there. So I don't go over and check around my old journal much. I think last time I did was like 8 months ago. I went over there now just because I have the old set-up over there on that journal still, which makes doing searches for things on LJ way the hell easier than their search option now.

Comment left on that infamous old S&M fic I did (if you read it, you would know, if you didn't, you probably don't care). And fine, it's S&M, but ffs, that is NO excuse for this kind of thing:

"I love you. Would you like my womb or eggs or want me to take care of your children while you write more beautiful stuff?"

NO! I would not, you nasty ass. Also, I hate babies, pregnancy disgusts me, and the whole process makes me think of parasites. I am NOT Rumpelstiltskin and I don't want your first, second, third or 50th born child. Especially not if they're in the egg stage. Gross. Also, if I had children, I would not entrust them to someone I don't know who hangs out online reading the kind of shit I can sometimes write--such as that particular story. Freak. I don't think most people would.

I have also gotten comments in that fandom telling me about how whatever I wrote was so hot they had to masturbate about it. Fine, great. Good for you. TMI! I don't want to hear in any detail about how you just had to go have some alone time in your closet with your pink bunny vibrator. Seriously, no. How do people not know that they shouldn't say that to complete strangers? Or probably anyone else.

jack's raging bile duct, stand back there may be vomit, stupid people do stupid things, y'all ain't right, broke the heel on my glass slipper, the package is the warning, may it shrivel up and fall off

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