So, I'm a sicko.

Apr 02, 2013 14:32

After about a month of more tests, they have finally figured out what was wrong with me. I went to the emergency room a few weeks ago. My fevers were back and this time there was vomiting and other pleasant stuff like that. I had been up a couple of days because of pain in my lower left abdomen, which the doctors at the emergency room didn't think was very important. If they had listened to me then, I wouldn't have had to endure another month of getting progressively more sick and I could have saved a few thousand dollars on doctor bills. But anyway, my doctor found e. coli in my blood and ran some more tests. With a CAT scan, they finally found the source of the infection. I have a kidney stone in my left kidney. The whole kidney was infected and my doctor actually started talking to me about how it's possible to live a completely normal life with just one kidney, so it was pretty fucking bad. I almost lost the kidney. I may still lose the kidney. I had to go to another hospital in Missoula for an operation. They put me under anesthetic, which always makes me feel like I've been abducted by aliens. You blink and then they're telling you it's over and you're laying there thinking "These people are fucking with me. Any minute now they're going to tell me it's time for surgery." So I had a stint put in between my kidney and my bladder to drain out the infection. I was unconscious when this all happened, but the doctor who did it talked to my parents and I guess there was a lot of gushing puss and stuff like that. Which, honestly, I'm fine with having missed that part. Anyway, I'm currently on some pretty heavy pain killers and in spite of that am still in a lot of pain. I have the stint still in and that's what's causing most of that I think. I'm supposed to see the doctor who put it in again some time next week I think to check the infection and when he thinks it's better, the stint will come out and they'll do another operation where they put something else up in there to break up the kidney stone and remove that. Then I'll have some recovery time and the antibiotics I'm on should take care of the rest of the infection. I'm told I'll feel like a whole new person when this is over, but right now I just feel like complete shit. I would also like to not lose my left kidney since that means if something goes wrong with the other one, I've got real problems.

Understandably, there has not been a lot of writing or anything else being done during this time. I re-read Hannibal because of all the books I've ever read, it is my favorite ever ending. Ever. I love the monster and I love that the monster gets the girl and I hate what they did with the movie. It sucks ass and no one and nothing will ever change my mind about that. Apparently there's some new Hannibal Lector TV show coming out, too. Have to say that I'm skeptical about that. There is much potential for screwing up that character and he's iconic. At this point if they fuck up that, they fuck up the whole shebang. I'll still probably watch it when it comes out just to see because I'm curious and there is always the possibility that it will be awesome.

Have had a lot of time on my hands and not much to fill it with. I watched Lonesome Dove. I then watched all of the knock-off sequels which my grandfather got for Xmas last year. The original one is still the best. Also, really gay. I have wondered before if there is fan fiction for that but I'm too afraid to look.

My birthday's on Saturday. I expect to spend it heavily medicated and in pain, possibly in the hospital. Which isn't really much of a step up or down from how I usually spend it. Except I typically don't get drugs. I'm going to have a cake because I bought a cake mix and I'm going to make it. I'm making my own birthday cake. Which tells you everything you need to know about me and my birthday.

Well, so that's the state of things in Lucy Land at the moment. Hope everyone else is doing better than me right now. I don't think you could be doing worse. I'm fairly sure I win the all time suck award this month.

gtfo, tl;dr, jack's complete lack of surprise, annual day of woe, jack's raging bile duct, stand back there may be vomit, tv land, pull the fucking trigger, in real life, crap i'm reading, failure to fly, oh god why, this is shit, i'll tell you when i've had enough, may it shrivel up and fall off

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