Get your own goddamn ballot.

Aug 14, 2012 02:34

I'm house-sitting at the moment for these family friends. They're leaving tomorrow morning and will be gone for a week. Anyway, the guy, whom I like in spite of him being a staunch, O'Reilly Factor watching, homophobic, chauvinist of a republican and not terribly bright to boot (something I cannot say about any other member of that loathsome species), really tested my patience tonight with some of his shit. He asked me if I was going to vote for Romney, then without waiting for me to reply, told me that he would be really mad at me if I didn't. I told him I didn't know, but if I voted for Obama, I just wouldn't tell him. I'd lie. I was teasing him, but also not really. He starts in telling me how I don't know anything about Romney, which I assume is meant to suggest that is my whole problem. All I know about him is that he's rich. By which I suppose he means Romney is a great guy and I should go read all about it so I can vote for him like the rest of the lemmings. I was really irritated by that shit and just got madder the more I thought about it, but thankfully the show we were watching on the TV came back on then and there was no more said about it.

However, shit similar to this keeps happening to me. You know WHAT? For one fucking thing, don't you presume to tell me what I know about something and what I don't know about it. I actually know a good bit about it. I do not obsess over politics, but I happen to know I'm very well informed for someone living on a mountain 10 miles from the nearest one-horse town with no internet access and only 5 television channels to choose from.

I read my news or watch it on actual news programs, I don't get it crammed down my throat my Bill O'Reilly, who happens to think homeless and impoverished people are just lazy. From the top of his star-spangled ivory tower, I'm sure it seems that way. If I did not already think he was an arrogant dick-head, I would think that now after having listened to him emphasize that bullshit in all three of the episodes of his show I have been forced to sit through. I am really passionate about the homeless in this country and that shit alone pisses me off about right-wing republicans. Over half of the veterans in this country are homeless, which is a fucking disgusting travesty, but I have honest to God heard one of these idiots try to explain that shit to me like it's something they do to themselves because they want to live that way and can't stand to live inside a house. You know what? NO! That is bullshit. Even if it were not bullshit, there are enough non-veteran homeless people on the streets of our cities to populate a few small countries and yet we send all of the aid for such people to other countries and pretend that isn't happening right here. So fuck that guy in the ass. Which, honestly, was not the original point of this post, I merely got side-tracked.

The POINT is, what the fuck right does this guy, friend or not, have to say such shit to me? Trying to pressure me into voting the way you want me to is not going to work. You're not very intimidating, for one thing. I will vote for the jerk whose policies and the shit they say and stand for pisses me off the LEAST at the end of the day.

I do not like Romney. That is the honest to fucking God truth, I just don't. This guy makes over 50 thousand dollars a DAY and he chose as his running mate a guy who wants to lower taxes for people who make 50 thousand dollars a day to .89 of a percent. That's not 89%, which could nip this economy shit in the ass likethat and still leave that asshole with enough money to buy more flannel shirts and another elevator for his car, that's point-eight-nine of one percent. Not even one percent of their income, which means raising the taxes on everyone else who doesn't make 50 thousand dollars a day, not even in a YEAR. Paul Ryan's idea of fixing the social security problem is to have a lottery system. Which basically means if they pull your name out of the hat, you get social security, and if they don't, you're fucked. Romney wants to get rid of planned parenting. I don't know what his stance on gay marriage is because I just can't remember right now and I don't feel like googling it, but you know, he's Mormon, so I'm going to say it's probably not great. And then, forgetting all of that, I just DON'T LIKE HIM.

But you know something? I'm in Montana right now. Somehow, I don't know where I would get such a crazy idea, but I think the republicans far outnumber the democrats here. So, I'm fairly sure that it doesn't make one goddamn bit of difference if I vote for Romney or I don't vote for Romney, the state representative is going to throw all our votes in with Romney. So, I think I'm going to be different and vote for Obama. I think, what with this being the first presidential election I've actually been able to vote in, what with not being registered or old enough or whatever else every other time, I'm not going to vote for the guy who stands for everything about this country I hate. I think I'm really fed up with people trying to tell me what to think, that I don't know what I'm talking about, that I should vote for who they want me to vote for, who dare to imply that my opinion is not valid, or that I went off and got college educated and therefore brainwashed and don't have the intelligence required to make up my own mind. I am sick as fuck of those kind of people. I want them to mind their own fucking business and you know what? Get your own voting ballot and then it's yours and you can literally vote for whoever you want to vote for!

you can't teach god anything, eloquence of a goat, jack's raging bile duct, y'all ain't right, broke the heel on my glass slipper, fuck all your ties, boo you hor

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