This is my goddamn luck.

Jun 23, 2012 14:25

So Pearl Jam is coming to Missoula, their last concert of their tour on the campus at my college and I was going to go. Ticket's went on sale yesterday at noon and I was thinking hey, I'll just go get online and buy a ticket today, no problem, it's only a day. Except, because this is me and my luck sucks like that, no. No, what happened was over 500 tickets all sold in fifteen minutes after they started selling them, which is apparently all they are selling, and I am not going to see Pearl Jam. This shit always happens to me every single time I've planned to go to a fucking concert. I have tried twice to see Shinedown and HA, no. That shit is not happening either. This time they're going to be in Missoula playing in the same place next month, but I'm not going to be there next month. Fuck my life.

failure to fly, jack's broken heart, jack's complete lack of surprise

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