Why are people okay with taking a dump and talking on the phone at the same time?

Apr 21, 2012 18:04

IN PUBLIC. Not that I think it's something you should do when you're at home either, unless I guess you've got a kink for that sort of thing. But seriously, why is that a thing? It doesn't bother people that hey, this person I'm talking to can maybe hear me peeing and shitting and maybe I should not force such things upon them. Like, maybe I should ( Read more... )

phones are the devil, gtfo, eloquence of a goat, jack's raging bile duct, this is shit, stupid people do stupid things, may it shrivel up and fall off

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Comments 11

portraitofafool April 22 2012, 03:23:06 UTC
People on cell phones bother me immensely. They are useful in case of emergencies, but other than that, I really kind of hate them unless--and this is the big exception--I am using someone else's to look up pictures of Shannon Leto while someone else blathers on and on and on about themself. Although, when you're going across the Causeway with no real escape route, that is kind of an emergency to me because, well, either I do that or I start screaming, "I DON'T CARE!" then end up ditched in Metairie or something. Um. Point to all of that being that I have my own special brand of logic, but you already know that.

In the same vein, I hate trying to talk to someone and all they can do is fuck around on their cell phones and grunt unintelligibly at me while I am doing so. As someone who does NOT like the sound of their own voice that much, when I am talking you can rest well assured it's because I have something to say. To me it matters if the person I am talking to is actually listening to me and when they're doing that then no, no they ( ... )


lustmordred April 22 2012, 04:49:40 UTC
I use my cell phone as a phone, which is apparently so fucking weird. I don't expect I will ever use it for anything much else.

I've almost been in a car accident a few times with people who were talking on their phones and therefore DRIVING IN THE WRONG FUCKING LANE. That shit pisses me off SO bad. Your goddamn conversation is not worth risking the lives of every other person on the road with you and what's more, you don't have the RIGHT to put their lives in that kind of danger.

Dude, everyone has them. I think homeless people also have Facebook, lol. That's not me making fun of homeless people either, it's something I feel really strongly about, but COME ON.

Yeah. It happens though. It happens a lot in Walmart of all places.

Hank Moody is Hank Moody and Hank Moody is sexy :D


portraitofafool April 22 2012, 05:11:42 UTC
I use them as phones, too, unless I am in the aforementioned Causeway situation. I don't text and I don't Facebook and I goddamn well don't Tweet and just... meh. I find it amusing and strange that all of this social connectivity these sites offer actually cause people to be less social. I mean, how often do they tear themselves away from the computer screen to actually look around or participate in a one-on-one conversation with the person sitting right next to them?

Ayuh, I've had that shit happen to me; I've nearly been broadsided, I've seen people in front of me run off the road... on it goes. Obviously cell phones are safe. *nods ( ... )


lucilla_darkate April 22 2012, 05:57:18 UTC
I love that show and have a giant crush on that character. He's fucking brilliant.

I have YIM on, where are you?


amberdreams April 22 2012, 10:26:52 UTC
Oh no. Just NO.

And hygene, people? I bet they don't disinfect their phone after they handle it with their feces covered hands do they?


lustmordred April 22 2012, 10:30:47 UTC
I don't know, but as most people in general don't wash their hands after using the bathroom, I would guess in most cases not. Although you have brought up another thing--How do they juggle the phone, wipe and not drop it in the bowl? Lmao.


amberdreams April 22 2012, 11:06:27 UTC
Oh god don't get me started on the lack of hand washing again. Why more people aren't getting hepatitis B I don't know.

Juggling phones and wiping bums - just another image I didn't want in my head this morning LOL!!


sarmsank April 22 2012, 14:06:38 UTC
Love your post and it is so true. I have no idea why people must talk on the phone when they are in the bathroom. My friends knows better than to call me when they are in the bathroom, I won't talk to them. They think it is funny although they can't tell me why and just chalk me up as being a prude. I say chalk me up because I don't want to hear it! Loved your insert too.


lustmordred April 22 2012, 16:05:05 UTC
I think it's rude and kind of stupid of them to expect a person to talk to them while they are in the bathroom. There is absolutely nothing so important that you can't hold it and wait or go before calling me or wait until the conversation is over.

Heh, yeah. I love that character a lot. He's awesome.


themsmine April 23 2012, 00:05:57 UTC
I just have to chime in to say that I Love Hank Moody! I love that show! I've read so many comments and such where they say "it's a guy show" and all that, and granted there's a lot of sex and whatnot, but there's something so real about that show in a very not-real kind of way that just gets me. You don't find that in a show too often.


lustmordred April 23 2012, 00:38:32 UTC
I love Hank Moody too, he's one of my all time favorite TV show characters. I don't get that it's a guy show. Maybe some women think so because the main character is a guy and he's a complete sex addict or something. But the thing is, yeah he's a whore and all, but he genuinely LIKES women. Not just in a sexual way or anything either. Which is a lot of why he gets laid so much in the show, in my opinion. I love the show because it just reminds me of some of my favorite books by some of my favorite authors. It has that kind of story telling to it and that is awesome.


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