May become ranty, feel free to ignore

Mar 24, 2012 12:20

Reading a post in fanficrants this morning--about mpreg and how exactly does the baby get out of there etc--and the writer of the post said I mean, with the kind of vagueness I typically see from you people, my imagination fills in the blanks with how female hyenas give birth*...yeeouch. And someone took slight offense to "you people" and man, WHAT? When the fuck did the phrase "you people" in every context become cause for upset? I get it when it's used in a discriminating way or a demeaning way, but that? Is just stupid.

Also, noticing a lot of offense being taken all over for just mentioning that the person is black, hispanic, gay, lesbian, a woman etc. Why is it necessary to get on the defensive over this shit? It is not an insult to a black person to say that he or she is black. It isn't an insult to say a gay person is gay, unless I guess you mean it in that silly "Oh my god, that's sooooo gay!" way. Which is so stupid itself it doesn't even warrant notice because if you do that, you might as well just wear a neon sign declaring yourself a moron.

I have noticed the phrase "that's so American" being bandied about like it's an insult in itself and you know what? Fuck people for that. You know what my response is to that shit? "Yes, I like it, too." I will not apologize for it, and I've seen people do that, too, and it's upsetting that anyone should feel they need to do that. What is happening in our country right now, we have very little control over it, but I would bet money that it affects those of us living here more than it does "you people." I don't see anyone saying that shit about other countries either. Like, I don't see anyone getting all irate and saying "Oh my god, that's so Russian!" or "Oh my god, that's so British!" It is the same as that stupid high school "you're so gay" BS and I thought we were over that, had acknowledged that it is wrong, and moved on. So, you think you're going to shame me into saying I'm sorry for doing something that's "so American," you're wrong. And you're an idiot.

failure to fly, heard it once in a country song, eloquence of a goat, y'all ain't right, the package is the warning, turn down the volume, boo you hor

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